Walter said:
:- It is logical that a good programmer can (and should) earn more than
:the manager he's working under.
That would depend what the manager is doing for the organization.
A manager's choices about what to proceed on (and how), and what to spend
money on, can potentially be of even more value to an organization than
even a very good programmer.
Being a manager and being incompetant are not synonyms (though
there might be correlations ;-) )
Certainly a point worthy of consideration... I certainly didn't mean to
generalize managers in the short disoourse at the head of this
sub-thread. In fact, I see the very same points I made in the area of
programming equally applicable to management. 7-10 years of "management
experience" doesn't make one a great manager. It goes right back to raw
talent and the person again. I've found that a lot of the great
managers were the ones that knew good and well they weren't worth an
auto-increment in development; they get out of the way and let their
developers do their jobs. They are just as good at SEEING a coming
political or resource management problem as well as any great developer
guards against deadlocks...
So, the point, I believe, remains. The really good ones SEE past the
details (TQM, XP groups, TDM, RAD, etc) and are able to adapt and apply
using various tools be they management or development persons. Good
managers aren't good because they took a course on TQM and know TQM
buzzwords; they are good beecause they use the best tool necessary for
the job and aren't lost every time their company "reorgs" according to
the latest management fad or the next new thing the CEO or COO wants to
"try." Nor should they (nor ARE they) disqualified from a management
position at another company (usually not) because they haven't applied
TQM or XP (eg. extreme programming) at the last company they managed.
I feel this is the EXACT point being made. How much of a difference is
there between C, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, C++, C# and Java in and of
themselves? REALLY? Not much. And I can use an API reference as well
as anyone. And face it, PHP, .NET (C#), C++, and Java are HUGE. Very
few persons, even those using either of these "for years" can POSSIBLY
know all the classes, calls and interface possibilities and combinations
in ANY ONE of them. Again *some* merit has to be given to someone with
prolonged exposure, but how many good, comptent people are turned away
simply because their exposure is a bit less, but their potentiality,
adaptability, raw talent and true development ability (it's abstract
talent EXPRESSED in different so called "languages") would easily (in
very short order) outweigh someone that's just "done their time" but
doesn't really have a real clue about underlying technology?
I guess I am venting a little bit because I see this especially in the
..NET and J2EE arenas where I believe someone that is thoroughly intimate
with the "ins" and "outs" of raw web technology, IP, middleware, remote
proxies, and such infrastructure isn't fooled one bit by the smoke and
mirrors of .NET. And yet I see these ads where you're not going to get
a sniff if you've never fired up Visual Studio .NET and worked in that
IDE for at least 2 years. Please!! :-(