Steve Lamb
Well, there is one big difference syntactically: Python uses indentation
as syntax and Ruby doesn't. Personally I don't prefer Python's
'indentation-as-syntax' since it means that syntactically significant
pieces of my code are invisible and if the tab settings in my editor are
not the same as yours it can make it difficult to share code (or even
Why is this trotted out every time? I guarentee that my code will look
perfectly fine in your editor. I cannot guarentee the reverse as while you
might have a penchant for tabs I do not. I am not alone in that regard.
Here's a snippet from the Python style guide:
Tabs or Spaces?
Never mix tabs and spaces. The most popular way of indenting Python is with
spaces only. The second-most popular way is with tabs only. Code indented with
a mixture of tabs and spaces should be converted to using spaces exclusively.
(In Emacs, select the whole buffer and hit ESC-x untabify.) When invoking the
python command line interpreter with the -t option, it issues warnings about
code that illegally mixes tabs and spaces. When using -tt these warnings
become errors. These options are highly recommended!
So unless your tab setting is 0 syntactically significant pieces of code
should always have a different indention level. Furthermore if the
program(mers) follow the style guide then that is a non-issue.