The apparent reason of ensuring some consistency for the fucking users,
that's why. Who could be on any platform whatever.
But that's a non-issue, isn't it. No machine that *required* 8.3 is ever
likely to have been a host. OS/2? Oh yes, that popped up some 20 years
ago and became obsolete about five minutes later.
Those Windows machines which have been capable of being hosts, have not
had, from what I've read in these threads, any reason whatever to stick
to .htm. None.
It is, as always, myopic sodding Windows programmers who can't be arsed
to seek out, let alone follow, standards.
The concept of serving the user community is obviously eluding *you*.
The "concept of serving the user community" tends to follow the KISS
principle. Let the user enter or and serve
or Most other linking to pages
beyond that is transparent to the user. As you point out, consistency is
an important factor: when the page is authored.
I don't believe I ever experienced a server that required 8.3, but seem
to remember nightmares relating to the '.3' part of things, though I may
be wrong. I honestly don't remember. However, thinking back, I think
the issue was win -> *nix transition, and may have been a case
insensitivity -> case sensitivity issue with directory and file names.
Ah yes OS/2, I have a pile of OS/2 operating system disks that never got
installed. Do you need any?
At the risk of being labeled a myopic programmer of any flavor, could
you please cite the "standards" I have failed to seek out?
Let me see if I've got this straight. You are saying one flavor of
system required 3 character extensions, and another didn't. A large
population employed the more restrictive option in their development
environment (editors, etc.) and another large population employed an
unrestricted development environment. So that later when the
restriction was (virtually) eliminated, the first group should have been
mandated to change all their software, naming, and typing habits to
conform to the "standard" established by the latter group?
Having worked extensively in both environments, I can argue the merits
and demerits of each. However, being a realist I recognize neither is
going to cease to exist no matter how hard the other closes their eyes
and wishes they did, so I don't chose to be a zealot for either.