He said:
I just wrote a function that has over 200 "cases" wrapped in a "switch"
statement. I'm wondering if there are performance issues in such
implementation. Do I need to optimize it some way?
There are some applications that can't be done any other way but
frequently those 200 cases have some natural heirarchy to them and your
code may run better if you can make that heirarchy explicit to the
compiler. For instance, if 10% of the cases are "geometry operations"
and you index the cases by an integer, then by having an outer switch
which has a case for "geometry operations" (perhaps represented by
a bit in the index) it narrows down the internal switch to
only 20 cases. And so forth. My point being that it is a rare
program where there is not some fairly obvious way to cluster
the operations. If nothing else you could run the program for
a while, measure usage of each case, and then arrange the cases
such that the most frequently used cases are up at the top of
the switch.
Elsewhere in this thread someone mentioned using an array of pointers to
functions. That can be efficient _IF_ each of those functions runs for
a time significantly longer than the overhead of the function
call. However I've (unfortunately) often encountered code where
the "function" does nothing more than:
int blah(int a,int b){
if(a<b)return a;
return b;
or something equally trivial. That is, something which might
as well have been a define or just coded into the case
explicitly. Just to pour salt into the wound these are
invariably 3 levels down inside nested loops.
David Mathog
(e-mail address removed)