I need help understanding some code..


Thomas Foster

I am new to ruby, but have been writing some code to understand it better. I am writing this post because I need some help with determining where SystemStackError is located...I am trying to use a ruby library to automate building vms in vmware an I see this error everytime I run the code.

/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3 p545/gems/fog-.20.0/lib/fog/core/collection.rb stack level too deep (SystemStackError)

Here is the line that generates the error and I am trying to see if I can resolve this problem (with the help of you guys). I appreciate any help..Hopefully you can point me in the right direction so I can try and fix this problem.

def inspect
Thread.current[:formatador] ||= Formatador.new
data = "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}<#{self.class.name}\n"
Thread.current[:formatador].indent do
unless self.class.attributes.empty?
data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}"
data << self.class.attributes.map {|attribute| "#{attribute}=#{send(attribute).inspect}"}.join(",\n#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}")
data << "\n"
data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}["
unless self.empty?
data << "\n"
Thread.current[:formatador].indent do
data << self.map {|member| member.inspect}.join(",\n")
data << "\n"
data << Thread.current[:formatador].indentation
data << "]\n"
data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}>"

If you need more info, please let me know.

Thomas Foster

I am new to ruby, but have been writing some code to understand it better.. I am writing this post because I need some help with determining where SystemStackError is located...I am trying to use a ruby library to automate building vms in vmware an I see this error everytime I run the code.

/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3 p545/gems/fog-.20.0/lib/fog/core/collection.rb stack level too deep (SystemStackError)

Here is the line that generates the error and I am trying to see if I canresolve this problem (with the help of you guys). I appreciate any help..Hopefully you can point me in the right direction so I can try and fix thisproblem.

def inspect

Thread.current[:formatador] ||= Formatador.new

data = "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}<#{self.class.name}\n"

Thread.current[:formatador].indent do

unless self.class.attributes.empty?

data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}"

data << self.class.attributes.map {|attribute| "#{attribute}=#{send(attribute).inspect}"}.join(",\n#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}")

data << "\n"


data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}["

unless self.empty?

data << "\n"

Thread.current[:formatador].indent do

data << self.map {|member| member.inspect}.join(",\n")

data << "\n"


data << Thread.current[:formatador].indentation


data << "]\n"


data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}>"



If you need more info, please let me know.

I am running ruby 1.9.3 with rbvmomi 1.6.0 and fog 1.20

Thomas Foster

I am new to ruby, but have been writing some code to understand it better.. I am writing this post because I need some help with determining where SystemStackError is located...I am trying to use a ruby library to automate building vms in vmware an I see this error everytime I run the code.

/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3 p545/gems/fog-.20.0/lib/fog/core/collection.rb stack level too deep (SystemStackError)

Here is the line that generates the error and I am trying to see if I canresolve this problem (with the help of you guys). I appreciate any help..Hopefully you can point me in the right direction so I can try and fix thisproblem.

def inspect

Thread.current[:formatador] ||= Formatador.new

data = "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}<#{self.class.name}\n"

Thread.current[:formatador].indent do

unless self.class.attributes.empty?

data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}"

data << self.class.attributes.map {|attribute| "#{attribute}=#{send(attribute).inspect}"}.join(",\n#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}")

data << "\n"


data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}["

unless self.empty?

data << "\n"

Thread.current[:formatador].indent do

data << self.map {|member| member.inspect}.join(",\n")

data << "\n"


data << Thread.current[:formatador].indentation


data << "]\n"


data << "#{Thread.current[:formatador].indentation}>"



If you need more info, please let me know.

After reading a few posts around the google machine..I think I found the issue was with the inspect function and the existing inspect method implemented in ruby...When I changed the def inspect line to def inspects..the issuewas resolved..I don't know what else it broke :) but I am able to access my objects in VSphere 5.1.

Robert Klemme

After reading a few posts around the google machine..I think I found
the issue was with the inspect function and the existing inspect
method implemented in ruby...When I changed the def inspect line to
def inspects..the issue was resolved..I don't know what else it broke
:) but I am able to access my objects in VSphere 5.1.

But that is a different method - #inspect is invoked at specific places
(e.g. from method "p") and if you change the name that won't happen.

I do not know the data structure that you are printing there but if you
have circular dependencies that might explain the issue you are seeing.
The error you reported was really what happens on recursion which is
not terminated before it runs out of stack space:

irb(main):011:0> def f;f; end
=> nil
irb(main):012:0> f
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/irb/workspace.rb:80



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