i need some C/C++ test intervie questions


Mark Gordon

Conventional aircraft have traditional altimeters which function off
barometric pressure, no firmware required. The error is likely to be

Add in a most. I personally know of one instance where the altimeter
used by the autopilot is *not* barometric and *does* have firmware. I
know of it because I worked on some of the firmware.

The only "out of memory error" likely on an actual altimeter is the
one where the senile pilot forgets to adjust for current pressure
conditions on a regular basis.

You would not get an out of memory error on the one I worked on the
software for since it does not use dynamic memory allocation an it was
analysed to ensure that there was sufficient space for the stack.


Kevin D. Quitt said:
On 5 Sep 2003 07:36:36 -0700, (e-mail address removed) (goose) wrote:

I meant with my exam (or code, for that matter). I am an ego-less
programmer. If there's a bug in my code, I'm delighted when somebody can
tell me what it is or what it does, so that they or I can fix it; I only
care that the code be properly functional. My expertise is ultra-reliable
code; you can't have that if you aren't willing for it to be beaten to
death by everyone involved.

well, theres only one question left now "are you hiring?" :)
(or more specifically "are you hiring in South Africa?":)
Actually, *hearing* about it would be of interest - how it was organized,
etc., and it doesn't matter what language it was written in. That
information is *useful*: it helps me see how you think. I am also
interested in seeing clever code snippets, whether they're "good" code or
not. Because I'm such a swell guy, see the program below.

me too, however I was only *once* on the hiring end (where I do the
interview), and the candidates all *knew* about ansi-c, but got
confused when i said c89 (or c90).

err, misspelled -> regs

<snipped and saved>

a mere C programmer, see ?

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