they are intimately related:
So are "sex" and "reproduction", but they're not the same thing, and
they are defined differently. Thus, just as the definition of
"reproduce" doesn't provide a definition of "sex", so too "enclosure"
doesn't provide a definition of "closure".
no, that's simply not correct. the basis for the word 'closure' in computer
science refers to 'enclosing' the present scope.
as an example of this interpretation.
That's a howto for creating closures, not an authoritative reference on
the history of the term "closure". It doesn't even prove your point,
for that matter.
and 'scope' is the key here. closure in computer science refers to
the present scope.
No, it refers to "closing" the scope, not "enclosing" the scope. To
enclose the scope, you have to be outside of it. To close the scope,
you seal it up so that stuff doesn't wander in and out of it. By the
same token, if you close a door, you seal the passage against traffic in
and out: if you enclose a door, you're probably wrapping it up for
well, at the risk of sounding inflamatory, you're example and comments so
have shown a decided lack of understanding about ruby's scoping rules and
they related to a (common) notion of closure which is not 'closed' but is
I don't assume that to have inflammatory intent. I only assume you're
confused about the difference between "close" and "enclose".
your critique leaves one asking: what do __you__ think a closure should be
since what a closure actually is in ruby, perl, and many functional
is not closed at all.
Read Intermediate Perl, then come back and say that again.
I will quote from its original version (which actually had a different
title, but it's still the first edition of Intermediate Perl) for you:
The kind of subroutine that can access all lexical variables that
existed at the time it was declared is called a _closure_ (a term
borrowed from the world of mathematics).
. . and again:
This subroutine is a closure because it refers to the lexical $count
At the end of the naked block, the $count variable goes out of scope.
However, because it is still referenced by the subroutine in
$callback, it stays alive, now as an anonymous scalar variable.
Here's another quote from the same book:
Closures are "closed" only on lexical variables, since lexical
variables eventually go out of scope. Because a package variable
(which is a global) never goes out of scope, a closure never closes on
a package variable. All subroutines refer to the same single instance
of the global variable.
(meaning: global to the "package", aka "namespace")
Here's yet another:
A subroutine doesn't have to be an anonymous subroutine to be a
closure. If a named subroutine accesses lexical variables and those
variables go out of scope, the named subroutine retains a reference to
the lexicals, just as you saw with anonymous subroutines.
There are four distinct sections of Chapter 6: Subroutine References
that deal specifically with closures -- thus the wealth of quotes on the
In case you're wondering about the credentials of the author of this
book, his name is Randal L. Schwartz. You may have heard of the
"Schwartzian transform".