The belief is that pre-increment is at least as good as
post-increment. Therefore it should be the default, if
there is no other reason to select either.
While I definitely belive that that is a common belief, I have to
disagree with it. According to some, postincrement is faster than
preincrement on certain platforms. (Someone on
makes this claim for the Motorola 68000.)
I think the reason this belief is so widespread is because most
programmers, if writing their own implementations, would create a
temporary copy for postincrement, while they would not bother with a
copy for preincrement. But in fact, there is nothing to say that
postincrementing a C integer (such as int, char, short, etc.) requires
a copy to be made, and conversely, there is no guarantee that
predecrementing can't make use of a temporary copy, or even several.
So while in theory pre-increment is at least as good as post-
increment, I have to disagree with it in practice. In practice, post-
increment can be as efficient, more efficient, or less efficient than
pre-increment. And the argument that one is at least as good as the
other because "that's the way I would do it" (or the mistaken claim
that "there is no way to do it without a temporary copy") isn't a good
one considering that there are platforms already in existence that go
contrary to this common belief. (I'm not saying you're using that
argument; but I am saying that I've heard it more than once from other
programmers as a way to avoid using post-increments altogether.)
In my opinion, i++ and ++i both have the same run-time behavior (in
big-O notation, they would both be O(1)), so it really doesn't matter
which one you use when measuring efficiency. A run-time bottleneck
won't ever disappear by replacing i++ with ++i (and vice-versa).
(Although I suppose it would be possible to see a difference if you
had a program that all it did was pre- or post-increment billions of
times and did absolutely nothing else (which I couldn't say would ever
be a very useful program). And even if you did, it's possible that
the post-increment version would be slightly more efficient than the
pre-increment version!)
You can probably tell that I've given a lot of thought about this,
and have defended myself against those who believe that "good
programmers never use post-increment." In practice, I think one
should use whichever is the one the situation is most suited for
(which I think you hold a similar position to), and ignore the
negligible efficiency difference. And when an integer is incremented
on a line all by itself (without it being assigned to anything), I
believe it doesn't matter at all whether you use i++ or ++i (in fact,
all the compilers I've tested that on compile both to the same
executable code, and even if they didn't, the run-time difference is
virtually nonexistent).
It also could say that you cannot write to a variable
twice without an intervening sequence point.
Yeah. Or even: In any line of code (defined as code delimited by
';', '&&', '||', or the comma operator), any variable that is pre- or
post- incremented/decremented should never be used more than once.
Otherwise, the result is undefined, and your refridgerator might
-- Jean-Luc