IDE for python


Deb Wyatt

But first time I am trying python. I was trying some UI with python. I
have installed wingide. But i didn't liked it because for licenses
messages even in trial version.

I'm using no irritating messages. It's not the full version, but it works well for me. I was using Geany before that and can't remember what Geany did to irritate me lol. Everybody has their favorites. I hope you find an ide that you love.

Deb in WA, USA

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Rustom Mody


Greg Schroeder

No. Don't use Notepad for anything! It's easy enough to get a better
editor. Among its other faults, Notepad:

1) Has problems with LF line endings (they vanish, and you have hugely
long lines)
2) Puts three junk bytes onto the beginning of a file that it
considers saved as UTF-8
3) Doesn't understand coding cookies, and will happily save something
in a different encoding like CP-1252 (which it calls "ANSI")
4) Guesses encodings on load, giving rise to the famous "Bush hid the
facts" trick - although this is unlikely to be a problem with
something of decent size
5) Has issues with large files - or at least, it did last time I
tried; this may no longer be true with Windows 7/8

Default text editors on the Linux distros I've used have been far
better, but still less than ideal. With Debian Squeeze, I got a gedit
that bugged me in several ways, which is what pushed me onto SciTE.
You can certainly start coding with gedit, though. The issues that I
had with it were relating to heavy-duty usage that I do, where I'm
basically spending an entire day delving into code and moving stuff
around. These days, though, I'd rather have one editor on both the
platforms I use (Windows and Linux, each in multiple variants), as it
allows me to share configs and comfortable keystrokes. There are
plenty of cross-platform editors to choose from.

So, I agree with your analysis, as regards gedit ("know exactly what
you don't like about it"). If it doesn't bug you, use it. But if
Notepad doesn't bug you, *still don't use it*, because it's like
driving a car that isn't structurally sound. It might not be you that
gets hurt by it... or it might not be for quite a while that you see
the problems... but the pain will happen.

Well, learn something new every day. Any gripes against vim with some

Wolfgang Maier

Hello everyone,

I am new to python.

I am currently using python 3.3

With python I got IDLE, but I am not very comfortable with this.

Please suggest, if we have any free ide for python development.

Seems like not too many other people on this list share my opinion, but
let me just say that IDLE is a nice and sufficient (for my purposes) IDE.
If you're used to eclipse, then stick with it, but I prefer IDLE over
any text editor although admittedly some of its keyboard shortcuts are
unusual choices.

Terry Reedy

What bothers you the most.
Seems like not too many other people on this list share my opinion, but
let me just say that IDLE is a nice and sufficient (for my purposes) IDE.
If you're used to eclipse, then stick with it, but I prefer IDLE over
any text editor although admittedly some of its keyboard shortcuts are
unusual choices.

I am curious how many of the editors people have been recommending have
all of the following Idle features, that I use constantly.

1. Run code in the editor with a single keypress.

2. Display output and traceback in a window that lets you jump from the
any line in the traceback to the corresponding file and line, opening
the file if necessary.

3. Search unopened files (grep) for a string or re.

4. Display grep output in a window that lets you jump from any 'hit' to
the corresponding file and line, opening the file if necessary.

Paul Rudin

Terry Reedy said:
What bothers you the most.

I am curious how many of the editors people have been recommending have all of
the following Idle features, that I use constantly.

1. Run code in the editor with a single keypress.

2. Display output and traceback in a window that lets you jump from the any
line in the traceback to the corresponding file and line, opening the file if

3. Search unopened files (grep) for a string or re.

4. Display grep output in a window that lets you jump from any 'hit' to
the corresponding file and line, opening the file if necessary.


Chris Angelico

I am curious how many of the editors people have been recommending have all
of the following Idle features, that I use constantly.

Regarding SciTE:
1. Run code in the editor with a single keypress.

Yes, although for most of what I like to do, it's not appropriate. But
if you're developing a script that runs and then terminates, yes, you
certainly can.
2. Display output and traceback in a window that lets you jump from the any
line in the traceback to the corresponding file and line, opening the file
if necessary.

Yes; it recognizes the most common formats used by C compilers, as
well as Python's traceback. Pressing F4 repeatedly will cycle you
through the output pane, effectively taking you from one step to
another in the traceback. (Obviously if you have more than one
traceback, it'll go straight from one to another, which won't always
be useful.) You can also double-click a line to go straight there.
3. Search unopened files (grep) for a string or re.

Yes, either using grep itself (fourth point) or using an internal
search that's more akin to an old DOS or OS/2 style of search. Either
way, the results come up in the output pane, and F4 will cycle through
4. Display grep output in a window that lets you jump from any 'hit' to
the corresponding file and line, opening the file if necessary.

As above. These three are all one feature, really. You can type
commands in the output pane and they'll be executed; any program
output that matches one of its parseable "this file, this line"
formats (which is true of 'grep -n') will be picked up.


Mark H Harris

Emacs is the coolest tech editor out there, by far; however, the very
nature of Emacs (which makes it the coolest) is also unfortunately the
very thing that sucks about it... highly configurable (&extensible),
highly complex, intricately complicated; especially for novices.

The OP is looking for an "IDE-like" interactive environment, because he
is "uncomfortable" with IDLE. IDLE is THE choice, however ---precisely
because IDLE is clean, elegant, and most importantly "simple". It is
simple to understand, and it is even simpler to use effectively... even
for novice pythonics. IDLE is straight-forward.

As Terry pointed out, IDLE is very useful and functional. And in the
modern python world is also very stable (IDLE used to get a black eye
because it had snags early-on). Today IDLE works, has great features,
and actually helps new users get on-board with Python.


Mark Lawrence

The OP is looking for an "IDE-like" interactive environment, because he
is "uncomfortable" with IDLE. IDLE is THE choice, however ---precisely
because IDLE is clean, elegant, and most importantly "simple". It is
simple to understand, and it is even simpler to use effectively... even
for novice pythonics. IDLE is straight-forward.

As Terry pointed out, IDLE is very useful and functional. And in the
modern python world is also very stable (IDLE used to get a black eye
because it had snags early-on). Today IDLE works, has great features,
and actually helps new users get on-board with Python.


I'll point out (again?) that IDLE is improving all the time thanks to
Terry & Co. This explains why

Strangely I've been using Eclipse and Pydev since porting Java to Python
some time ago, it really simplified the process. However I'd been
thinking of changing and picked IDLE because it's there. Perfectly
adequate for my current needs.

Terry Reedy

Regarding SciTE:

Yes, although for most of what I like to do, it's not appropriate. But
if you're developing a script that runs and then terminates, yes, you
certainly can.

Yes; it recognizes the most common formats used by C compilers, as
well as Python's traceback. Pressing F4 repeatedly will cycle you
through the output pane, effectively taking you from one step to
another in the traceback. (Obviously if you have more than one
traceback, it'll go straight from one to another, which won't always
be useful.) You can also double-click a line to go straight there.

Yes, either using grep itself (fourth point) or using an internal
search that's more akin to an old DOS or OS/2 style of search. Either
way, the results come up in the output pane, and F4 will cycle through

As above. These three are all one feature, really.

Thank you. This makes your recommendation understandable.
You can type
commands in the output pane and they'll be executed; any program
output that matches one of its parseable "this file, this line"
formats (which is true of 'grep -n') will be picked up.

Find in Files (grep) is implemented within Idle, in Python, using re.
One of the subprojects of this summer's Idle GSOC student, Saimadhav
Heblikar, is to add to Idle something similar to what you describe
above. Run an external code analyzer (PyLint/Flake/Checker,
whatever...), capture output, and jump to indicated locations. For Idle,
the prime intended use would, of course, be for analyzing Python files.

Travis Griggs

Hello everyone,

I am new to python.

I am currently using python 3.3

With python I got IDLE, but I am not very comfortable with this.

Please suggest, if we have any free ide for python development.

I use either vim or textwrangler for simple one file scripts. For larger things with multiple files and/or classes, I like pycharm best ( free communityedition ). I tried both pydev and wing before that.

Andrea D'Amore

I use either vim or textwrangler for simple one file scripts.

Since you're on OS X have a look at Exedore, it's paid but very cheap.
It aims at providing a beautiful interface, I fetched the free trial a
couple days ago and the job so far is impressively neat.

I'm not related to the project, I just found it by accident and want to
give Cocoa-credit where credit is due.

Marko Rauhamaa

Rustom Mody said:
How do you do this with emacs?
I find a menagerie of greppish commands -- rgrep, lgrep, grep-find etc

To grep for a pattern in the directory of the active buffer:

M-x grep
Run grep (like this): grep -nH -e

Complete the grep command:

Run grep (like this): grep -nH -e class *.py

and hit ENTER. Feel free to modify the command from grep to egrep, for
example. I often replace -e with -i.

To grep for a pattern in any subdirectory:

M-x grep
Run grep (like this): grep -nH -r assert .


M-x grep-find
Run find (like this): find . -type f -exec grep -nH -e assert {} +

Again, you can modify the command freely:

M-x grep-find
Run find (like this): find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -nH -e assert {} +

You will get a list of hits in a new buffer. You can use the C-x `
command to traverse them in order, but there are many other ways.


Rustom Mody

Rustom Mody wrote:

To grep for a pattern in the directory of the active buffer:

M-x grep
Run grep (like this): grep -nH -e

lgrep is cleverer than grep (in a stupid sort of way :D )
Was just wondering if there were some other tricks


Le vendredi 30 mai 2014 16:04:18 UTC+2, Rustom Mody a écrit :

lgrep is cleverer than grep (in a stupid sort of way :D )

Was just wondering if there were some other tricks


Out of curiosity.
Are you the Rusi Mody attempting to dive in Xe(La)TeX?


Terry Reedy

To grep for a pattern in the directory of the active buffer:

M-x grep
Run grep (like this): grep -nH -e

Complete the grep command:

Run grep (like this): grep -nH -e class *.py

and hit ENTER. Feel free to modify the command from grep to egrep, for
example. I often replace -e with -i.

To grep for a pattern in any subdirectory:

M-x grep
Run grep (like this): grep -nH -r assert .


M-x grep-find
Run find (like this): find . -type f -exec grep -nH -e assert {} +

Again, you can modify the command freely:

M-x grep-find
Run find (like this): find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -nH -e assert {} +

Thank you for the answer. I once had things like this memorized, but now
I prefer Idle's dialog, with selected text (if any) and the full path of
the current directory (+/.py) pre-inserted as target and search
directory, and options as radiobuttons (remembered from my last search) ...
You will get a list of hits in a new buffer. You can use the C-x `
command to traverse them in order, but there are many other ways.

and a scrollable window for results ;-).

Rustom Mody

Out of curiosity.
Are you the Rusi Mody attempting to dive in Xe(La)TeX?

Yeah :)

As my blog posts labelled unicode will indicate I am a fan of using
unicode in program source:

Of course it is not exactly a coincidence that I used APL a bit in my
early days. At that time it was great fun though we did not take it

It is now about time that we stop taking ASCII seriously!!

And for those who dont know xetex, its is really xɘtex – a pictorial
anagram if written as XÆŽTEX

However in all fairness I should say that I cannot seem to find my
way to that promised land yet:
- xetex does not quite work whereas pdflatex works smoothly
- mathjax is awesome however its firmly latex (not xetex) based

Terry Reedy

And for those who dont know xetex, its is really xɘtex – apictorial
anagram if written as XÆŽTEX

I believe you mean 'pictorial palindrome', which it is!

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