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Levin said:
Ah, yes. I'd probably do it with SyncEnumerator rather than zip as
well, then[1]. I just used zip since its what you started with and you
didn't specify performance as an issue.
Performance would probably be the wrong motivation to switch to
SyncEnumerator. On my machine it is about 100 times slower then
sync-enum: 1.676
zip-enum: 0.018
sizedqueue: 0.226
Thanks for bringing this up.
The variant with each_zip in Enumerable needs only one thread:
user system total real
sync-enum: 1.594000 0.500000 2.094000 ( 2.110000)
zip-enum: 0.016000 0.000000 0.016000 ( 0.015000)
sizedqueue: 0.250000 0.000000 0.250000 ( 0.250000)
each_zip: 0.125000 0.000000 0.125000 ( 0.125000)
but no match against zip-enum in terms of speed.
Still interesting that threads are 10 times faster in this case than
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#! /usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'generator'
require 'enumerator'
require 'benchmark'
require 'thread'
module Enumerable
def each_zip(other)
q = SizedQueue.new(1)
Thread.new {other.each{|l| q << l}}
self.each{|a| yield a, q.pop}
s1 = (%w{this is the first test} * 300).join("\n")
s2 = (%w{this is the first test} * 300).join("\n")
#s2[4321] = "Failure"
Benchmark.bm(15) do |bm|
bm.report("sync-enum:") {
first, second = [s1, s2].collect { |i| i.to_enum
each_line) }
SyncEnumerator.new(first,second).each { |a,b|
puts "Error near: #{b}" if a != b
bm.report("zip-enum:") {
first, second = [s1, s2].collect { |i| i.to_enum
each_line) }
first.zip(second) { |a,b|
puts "Error near: #{b}" if a != b
bm.report("sizedqueue:") {
q1, q2 = SizedQueue.new(1), SizedQueue.new(1)
Thread.new { s1.each_line {|l| q1 << l}; q1 << nil}
Thread.new { s2.each_line {|l| q2 << l}; q2 << nil}
while true
a,b = q1.pop, q2.pop
break if !a || !b
puts "Error near: #{b}" if a != b
bm.report("each_zip:") {
first, second = [s1, s2].collect { |i| i.to_enum
each_line) }
first.each_zip(second) { |a, b|
puts "Error near: #{b}" if a != b