Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 20:00:17
GMT dorayme scribed:
Funny how you, an earthling, so little understand human
psychology, pride, investment and the general notion of theory
building. No one reasonably competent, if handed the job of
fulfilling some of the basic aims of the OP would start with what
he has.
So far we agree. But there are 3 of them. Are they all incompetent?
Nearly every site that comes up here would be built from
the ground up by a well versed author. That does not mean that
that is what you can expect - or demand stridently - of an
innocent wanderer into these alleys. It does not mean you should
be mugging them if they don't throw out the lot and start again.
So you equate "mugging" with expressing an honest opinion. Would it be
preferable if I lied, even a little bit, just to keep junior from whining
for mommy? I may have been blunt and forthright, but I wasn't abusive
and didn't resort to name-calling like some people we know...
If he says the site has been working successfully for over a
year, then sure, you can challenge that, and if you succeed to
sow doubts, that will start to move him. But charging at him like
a bull is not going to work. It never really does. You are too
star struck by the "bitter salt" theory of being honest with a
student or client. Honesty and straight talking is a simple
minded single string bow in the educational game. It is no magic
bullet. Stop getting all thingy when these bullets you fire
bounce off.
Well, I just might try to "stop getting all thingy" if I knew what
"thingy" was. Nevertheless, if an ingenue cannot tolerate honesty, I can
hardly feel sorry for him.
It is simply wrong that a site cannot be rebuilt over time in a
considerably inefficient manner. And you will never see that this
inefficiency has some great advantages for those people who would
learn things slowly over a period of time in a project that is
already sailing at sea. You are demanding the ship be sunk or be
dry docked and completely rebuilt, and few merchant ship owners
will come at that.
The site should be rebuilt, yes, but I wasn't demanding it. What I was
"demanding" was valid code in the form of not putting something outside
the body tag. _That_ was the "demand", so to speak, and I remain
righteously adamant in reiterating it.
As a side note, I think you were more fun when you were dingbatty. Now
your posts make me yawn alot and daydream about the sweet potato farm in
Kuala Lumpur.