Sat said:
That's a browser choice, not a CPU requirement. Most browsers put a lower
limit on the delay of setTimeout in order to prevent the page from hogging
the CPU, but, e.g., Google Chrome currently doesn't.
That **may** be **slightly** misleading.
The clock resolution is often 10ms. The effect of providing a small-
value second argument will depend on the exact way in which the number
is used. In the apparent absence (judging by <
https://developer.mozilla>) of a very clear definition of exactly
how a delay parameter of X ms should be used in a system where the timer
resolution is Y ms, and in the presence of variations in exactly what
the scheduling calls of various OSs actually do, ISTM that there's scope
for a considerable degree of variation of behaviour even without deep
insight, incompetence, or malice.
The limit may exist, or not exist, in a system without anything as
positive as is suggested by "put" or "not put" having occurred.
Perhaps some test code should be developed and announced here.