I open IE and Firefox to start and look at the results. Then if
everything seems to be OK I try Opera, Sea Monkey, and Netscape 7.2.
If no one complains then I let it go.
Throw in Lynx as well. This gives you a rough feel of how your page will
sound to a blind person.
Hint: No CSS. No images (hence the importance of the alt attribute). No
Javascript. Just text.
So far, the viewers are not as sophisticated as the people on this NG, so
most of them probably do not have any understanding of web site design.
There are some who are very good at publishing however.
Good at publishing is usually inversly proportional to good at web design.
Look at:
A perfect example. This design would look good on a peice of glossy papar
*exactly* 8 inches wide. It does not look good on my browser. I either have
unused blank space either side of the content or a horizontal <spit/> scroll
The font size is specified at 7.5pt, stupidly small. And points are for
print (publishing), not web. Ems are for web. And if I don't happen to have
verdana on my computer then this text will drop to arial, or sans serif, and
be miniscule, totally unreadable.
Use of images of text, not the real text (the welcome and current issue
A 4.3 megabyte file containing the "current issue"? What is wrong with a
link to a plain text page?
Gratuitious use of flash, containing the main heading of the site and a
bloody wolf trotting around. At least it's not a Tiger.
Email link is unusable to anybody without an email client that actuall
interfaces to their particular browser (mailto
. These people include
anybody using a public library. One would have to re-type the address from
the status bar.
Running the browser in quirks mode. Transitional doctype. Extensive use of
tables for layout. Using <br><br> to "force" a blank line (<p> should be
XHTML closing / all over the place when the doctype says HTML 4.01. Several
other HTML errors as well.