If you could change the C or C++ or Java syntax, what would you like different?


Keith Thompson

Nick Keighley said:
But then I always thought having to explicitly take the address of
something to mimic pass by reference was bizzare.

swop (&i, &j);

On the other hand, there's something to be said for being able look
at a function call and *know* that the arguments won't be modified
(unless it's really a macro invocation).

Nick Keighley

But then I always thought having to explicitly take the address of
something to mimic pass by reference was bizzare.
   swop (&i, &j);

On the other hand, there's something to be said for being able look
at a function call and *know* that the arguments won't be modified
(unless it's really a macro invocation).

most other languages manage without it

luser- -droog

Jokes are best flagged in some way (a smiley or maybe a few !!s).  If
this was not a joke (it certainly made me smile) the I refer you to the
previous posts from Keith Thompson and myself.

Two faux pas in one night!
That can't be a record, but I am duly repentant.

Felix Palmen

* Keith Thompson said:
Regardless of how complex the type is, a typedef does nothing more that
create an alias for the existing type. The definition is *always* "just
another type".

IBTD. As I already said earlier, new types are /always/ defined by means
of existing ones (at least in any language I know that supports type
definitions). But as soon as the type is more complex than just one
simple builtin type, I don't think "alias" really describes what's going

| typedef struct {
| float speed;
| char *model;
| void (*accelerate)(void *this, float delta);
| void (*decelerate)(void *this, float delta);
| } Car;

Would you really call "Car" an alias?

(finally ... a car example :D)


Kenny McCormack said:
Huh? What language are you talking about? If you dont see the point in
language for -> in C then I am amazed.

Now, now. Calm down. Obviously, it won't ever be changed, because C is
what it is.

But the argument, which is valid as far as I can tell, is that the "->"
operator is unnecessary because "." is all you need. I.e., if we were
doing it over from scratch, we could say that whenever we see:


and the compiler can determine that something is a pointer, then it
would internally convert it to:

something -> member

Since C is a statically typed language, this should work.[/QUOTE]

It means that given the following defs:

struct pt {int x,y,z;} v = {2708,2716,2732};
struct pt* p=&v;
struct pt** q=&p;
struct pt*** r=&q;

then currently, to access the .y coordinate using only ".", each of these
variables in turn requires:


Using "->", this simplifies (?) to:


So "->" only really helps when there is a single level of indirection.

The proposal to allow "." to dereference pointers /I think/ would allow:


Ie. dereferencing, no matter how many levels, would be completely
transparent (but in a similar manner to array indexing).

If the proposal is for it to only work for one level, then I don't know what
the pattern would look like for multiple indirection.
And, in fact, if I am reading things that others have posted on the
subject correctly, other languages, like Java, do exactly this.

Finally, note that the basic argument of "If it isn't necessary, then it
is bad" isn't necessarily convincing. Some people have argued that even
if "->" isn't necessary, it is still a good thing, because it makes the
code easier to understand. I.e., it is a "documentation aid".
Personally, I favor this last argument.

Actually I'm warming to the idea of using solely ".", but only because C has
an otherwise ugly syntax when progressing between 0, 1 and N levels of
indirection (using 2 different forms when only "." is used, and 3 different
forms when "->" is used). (Unlike, say, Pascal, where you just have N
consecutive "^" symbols; very neat.)

Keith Thompson

IBTD. As I already said earlier, new types are /always/ defined by means
of existing ones (at least in any language I know that supports type
definitions). But as soon as the type is more complex than just one
simple builtin type, I don't think "alias" really describes what's going

| typedef struct {
| float speed;
| char *model;
| void (*accelerate)(void *this, float delta);
| void (*decelerate)(void *this, float delta);
| } Car;

Would you really call "Car" an alias?

(finally ... a car example :D)

Yes, the name "Car" (created by the typedef) is nothing more than an
alias for the type "struct { ... }".

If you had left out the typedef keyword and the name "Car":

struct {
float speed;
char *model;

void (*accelerate)(void *this, float delta);
void (*decelerate)(void *this, float delta);

then you would have defined a new type, exactly the same type that was
defined by your original declaration. The only difference is that
the "struct { ... };" form does not additionally create an alias
"Car" for that type.

It might be simpler to use an example where the struct has a tag. This:

typedef struct car {
/* ... */
} Car;

is equivalent to this:

struct car {
/* ... */
typedef struct car Car;

In both cases, we create a new type called "struct car", and then
an alias for the same type called "Car".

Your original example doesn't give a name to the created type,
but that's the only difference.

Felix Palmen

* Keith Thompson said:
Yes, the name "Car" (created by the typedef) is nothing more than an
alias for the type "struct { ... }".

No. You cannot sensibly argument that a notation of "struct { ... }"
identifies a type -- it describes it. The description may be
unambiguous, so it would be possible to describe the type each and every
time you need it, but for /defining/ a type, it should get its own
identifier -- just like defining a function, a variable, etc.
struct car {
/* ... */
typedef struct car Car;

Another way to do it, this way you define a type called "struct car" --
one of the peculiarities of C I don't like. You need to use typedef if
you want to define your type in the "global" identifier namespace. But
at least, that's the reason typedef is perfectly sensible named, IMO.
Your original example doesn't give a name to the created type,
but that's the only difference.

It does, the name is "Car" (as opposed to "struct car"). Of course, if
you give it both names, one is obviously an alias for the other.



Keith Thompson said:
I agree that "typedef" was not a good choice of name for the semantics.
Perhaps "typealias" would have been better.

But "typedef" is in the language, and it's not going away. Every C
programmer needs to understand that "typedef" doesn't define a type
(just as "const" doesn't mean constant).

I think this is all about how you use words, again. In one sense it
does define a type. Particularly when used for things other than

What it does is it gives you a token that can then be used as the name
of a type. In a sense, C starts off with int, char and the like.

If you do typedef like:
typedef char *(* FUNCT)(int *[]);
then in a sense you have now added FUNCT as a type to C - functions
taking an array of integer pointers and returning a character pointer.
You can now use it just the way you would use "int" alone.

I think as the language as evolved and got standardised, we've shifted
the meaning of type to a slightly different meaning - one in which
"struct fred *" is as much a type as "char" is. But I think there was a
logic behind the meaning, and I think saying it doesn't "define a type"
is possibly confusing for some.

I say that because to me, when I first encountered typedef, it was quite
clear what it did. It defined a new "high level" type that you could
use just like the built in ones.
Adding an obfuscating macro *does not help*, any more than
#define BEGIN {
#define END }
#define IF if (
#define THEN ) {
and so on.

Wholehearted agreement here.

Tom Anderson

It's about to happen again. In the mid-80s we reached the scaling limits
of flat file lists and went to hierarchical directories. Now we're
approaching the scaling limits of hierarchical directories. I haven't
seen a modern system that doesn't have some ludicrously long full-path-
names of files, highly deeply nested directory structures, and human
trouble navigating the wilderness of files and keeping track of what
files are for what purpose.

You should come and see mine. Nothing special, bog-standard Fedora 13,
which follows big-standard unix filesystem layout. I have a home
directory, in that i have subdirectories for different sorts of things
(Documents, Pictures, Music, Code), in those i have subdirectories for
projects, and in those i have files. A typical absolute path:


Doesn't seem ludicrously long to me. Especially given that the /home/tom
is often implicit.

Things that aren't my documents can live in other places. For instance,
javac is at:


As are almost all the other programs i've installed with the package
manager. Some things i've installed myself are slightly deeper; for
example, the OpenJPA javadoc is at:


Even that isn't that long, really. I certainly don't have trouble
navigating. I know:

* My stuff is in /home/tom/${appropriate subdirectory}
* System stuff is in /bin, /sbin, /etc, /lib, /var and so on
* Package-managed stuff is in /usr (/usr/bin, /usr/lib etc), and also /etc
and /var
* System-wide stuff i've installed by hand is in /usr/local, except for
some of it which is in /opt

There are some more obscure things, and Chrome goes in /opt despite being
package-managed, but that's 99% of what i need to know.

If something is package-managed, i can ask the package manager about it.
If i know the filename but not the location, i can ask locate.
Applications come with numerous files; on Windows systems they tend to
be bundled with it in Program Files (with some libraries being
elsewhere, or else duplicated wastefully); on Unix systems all kinds of
config and other files get scattered to the four winds, /usr, /etc,
/bin, and ~/.appname.

True. But the package manager knows where they are (barring ~/.*,
generally), and mostly, i don't care.
Documents might end up anywhere, at least on Windows machines.

Yeah, that doesn't tend to happen to me. It also didn't tend to happen to
me when i used Windows, from what i recall.
Another tension is between organizing by program and organizing by higher
level task.

No, because you just don't organise by program. That's a dumb idea which
went out some time in the late 80s.
Say someone's throwing together a report and presentation. The report is
made in Word, the presentation in PowerPoint, both using data from an
Excel spreadsheet, and some of the graphs were copied, pasted into
Photoshop, prettied up, and then embedded as .png files. Oh, and the
whole thing is also HTMLized using FrontPage and posted to the company
LAN as well as the PP presentation presented at the Friday afternoon
general staff meeting and the printed report handed to the boss
afterward in the hall outside the conference room. And the guys that
couldn't attend the meeting in person phone-conferenced with those that
were while consulting the copy on the LAN's internal website.

So you've got Photoshopped pngs along with xls, doc, pp, and other
files, that logically are part of one project. The user wants to file
them as "2010 2nd quarter budget report" or whatever, under "2010 budget
reports", under "budget reports", ideally; the programs all would like
to keep track of their own files, docs with docs, xlses with xlses;

Do they? I don't recall any programs i used on Windows doing that.
and Windows itself would dearly love it if you'd just shove the whole
mess in "My Documents" along with every single other file the user ever

So keep your project folders in My Documents. Even if Windows dumps you
there rather than the last folder you used or whatever, your destination
is a few clicks away.
Add to that how every kind of browser, file sharing tool, or similar
client for downloadable content ends up with its own preferred
directories for storing received files, plus iTunes, plus various sync
folders for your phone and laptop, and so on, and so forth, and we're
rapidly heading straight back into file management hell.

I would agree that we need better management of that. For me, it's not too
bad - Firefox and Chrome save things to ~/Downloads, rtorrent saves to
wherever i tell it to, i don't use a tool for my phone or camera (they're
mass storage devices - why on earth would i?), and i don't have any other
downloaders. Well, unless you count sftp, ftp, and so on, but those put
things where you tell them.
What's our savior going to be? I'm beginning to suspect we're going to
soon see a wave of new file management tools, at first appearing as
third- party "knowledge manager" programs and eventually superseding
Explorer- style shells as those have superseded the old C:\ prompt.
These will provide their own nonhierarchical, link-based file management
ability, probably with the ability to easily convert any subnetwork of
stuff into web pages, or even acting as a web site itself; a
locally-hosted web app that can easily adapt to make some stuff
publishable remotely. Hyperlinks will creep into everything and become
easy to create via drag and drop; no copying and pasting (or worse,
memorizing and typing) long filenames.

Keep taking the medicine.


Michael Foukarakis

Until you also use a second language where the meanings of "=" and "==" are
reversed. Yet (a), (b) and (c) are still true for each language.

In fact, in the real world outside of C programming, "=" to mean equality is
pretty much universal.

I don't understand what you mean by "real world". In case you mean
"outside of programming" (i.e. mathematics) you are right. If you mean
"languages other than C" you are entirely wrong, though. As I'm
writing this, I'm thinking that out of all the languages I know,
Erlang is probably the only one where '=' does not explicitly stand
for "assignment".

But that is besides the point. My point is that I think as humans we
have the capability to differentiate between symbols and their
meanings based on context. Whether those that don't should be
accomodated, I don't really care for that discussion (yet).

Michael Foukarakis

Oh, I can distinguish between them.  It's just that I'm much more likely
to get them wrong than I am more-distinct operators.

As is everyone else, I'm sure.
Especially if I've
recently been working in a language that uses '=' for comparison.  Basically,
if you present me with an otherwise mostly correct piece of code that uses
= where it should have been ==, it's quite possible for me to miss it,
especially if there are other errors which are more obvious.

I do not think C would have been a worse language had the assignment operator
been more obviously distinct, such as :=, but it wasn't, so here we are..

Right. In my opinion, both '=' and ':=' differ by one character from
'==' (oh god, that levenshtein distance function is taking hold of my
brain..), and for me it would be just as distinct if we exclude
mistypes from the equation (no pun intended).

Keith Thompson


You cannot sensibly argument that a notation of "struct { ... }"
identifies a type -- it describes it. The description may be
unambiguous, so it would be possible to describe the type each and every
time you need it, but for /defining/ a type, it should get its own
identifier -- just like defining a function, a variable, etc.

Not all C types have simple names; in fact most of them don't. We have
int, short, and char, but we also have long double, unsigned long long
int, char*, int[42], and struct { int x; double y; }.

To take a simpler example:

typedef int arr[10];

This declaration makes "arr" an alias for the existing type
"int[10]", a type that otherwise wouldn't have a name of its own
other than "int[10]". Consider:

typedef int word;
typedef int arr[10];
typedef struct { /* ... */ } Car;

All three of these create an alias for an existing type. The only
difference is complexity and the fact that, in at least the third
case, the type is created by the declaration (and would have been
created even without the "typedef" keyword and the "Car" identifier).
Another way to do it, this way you define a type called "struct car" --
one of the peculiarities of C I don't like. You need to use typedef if
you want to define your type in the "global" identifier namespace. But
at least, that's the reason typedef is perfectly sensible named, IMO.

typedef is the *only* way that a type can have a name that's a single
identifier (as opposed to a keyword).

A digression: Many programmers (including me) prefer *not* to use
typedefs for structs. I'd just declare
struct car {
/* ... */
and then refer to the type as "struct car". The type already has
a perfectly good name; it doesn't need another one.

But if you dislike having to repeat the "struct" keyword every time you
refer to the type, you can use a typedef, and even omit the tag if you
don't need to refer to the type name inside its declaration. Keep in
mind that you can use the same identifier for the tag and the typedef.

End of digression.
It does, the name is "Car" (as opposed to "struct car"). Of course, if
you give it both names, one is obviously an alias for the other.

And if you don't give it both names, then "Car" is an alias for
an anonymous struct type.

Keith Thompson

No. You cannot sensibly argument that a notation of "struct { ... }"
identifies a type -- it describes it. The description may be
unambiguous, so it would be possible to describe the type each and every
time you need it, but for /defining/ a type, it should get its own
identifier -- just like defining a function, a variable, etc.

Another couple of points:

You can certainly argue that something that defines a type (such as a
struct declaration) *should* create an identifier for it, but the fact
is that, in C, it doesn't. It usually doesn't make sense to create
a struct type without creating a name for it, either a tag or a typedef
name, but it's perfectly legal. For example, you can write:

struct { int x; int y; } obj;

and refer to obj.x and obj.y, but you've provided no way to refer to the
type of obj. If you want that type to have its own name, you need to
give it one. The same applies to union and enum types.

Finally, something I should have written earlier, a quote from the C
standard. C99 6.7.7p3:

A typedef declaration does not introduce a new type, only a
synonym for the type so specified.


Keith Thompson

Nick said:
I think this is all about how you use words, again. In one sense it
does define a type. Particularly when used for things other than

Perhaps the word on whose definition we disagree is "define".
To define something is to *create* it. If you define a type,
then you have a type that would not have existed if you hadn't
defined it. This is in contrast to "declaring" something; a
declaration can assert that something exists without creating it
(such as an extern object declaration).
What it does is it gives you a token that can then be used as the name
of a type. In a sense, C starts off with int, char and the like.

Right, it gives you a *name*. It defines that name (an identifier).
It doesn't define a type; the type already existed (if it didn't,
the typedef declaration wouldn't be able to refer to it).
If you do typedef like:
typedef char *(* FUNCT)(int *[]);
then in a sense you have now added FUNCT as a type to C - functions
taking an array of integer pointers and returning a character pointer.
You can now use it just the way you would use "int" alone.

Or you could omit the typedef and use *the same type* directly:

void foo(char *(* argument)(int *[]));

The typedef is certainly convenient, but you can almost always get
by without it by referring to the original type. (For syntactic
reasons, you'd need a typedef to use this type with the va_arg()
I think as the language as evolved and got standardised, we've shifted
the meaning of type to a slightly different meaning - one in which
"struct fred *" is as much a type as "char" is. But I think there was a
logic behind the meaning, and I think saying it doesn't "define a type"
is possibly confusing for some.

"struct fred *" has always been as much a type as "char" is.

I understand that saying typedef doesn't define a type may be
confusing for some. But it's the truth: typedef doesn't define
a type.
I say that because to me, when I first encountered typedef, it was quite
clear what it did. It defined a new "high level" type that you could
use just like the built in ones.

Ok, but did you understand that this "new" type isn't distinct
from the original type? Did you understand that, given:
typedef int word;
"int" and "word" are quite literally *the same type*?


Felix Palmen

* Keith Thompson said:
And if you don't give it both names, then "Car" is an alias for
an anonymous struct type.

Well, as this applies to nearly anything you have written in response,
I'll just put it here:

You can either pretend you're a compiler and don't know anything more
abstract than your grammar (and the standard defining it) -- or you can
just apply some human abstraction to understand the /intention/ behind
C's language constructs and ask yourself in that context whether typedef
is a good name or not.

My decision is clear: the name is perfect.


Felix Palmen

* Keith Thompson said:
Finally, something I should have written earlier, a quote from the C
standard. C99 6.7.7p3:

A typedef declaration does not introduce a new type, only a
synonym for the type so specified.

Oh and by the way .. even a standard can have some controversial points.

If it was really a synonym, the following should be interpreted the

char * a, b, c;


typedef char * string
string a, b, c;


August Karlstrom

I don't understand what you mean by "real world". In case you mean
"outside of programming" (i.e. mathematics) you are right. If you mean
"languages other than C" you are entirely wrong, though. As I'm
writing this, I'm thinking that out of all the languages I know,
Erlang is probably the only one where '=' does not explicitly stand
for "assignment".

Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon, Ada and Eiffel comes to mind.
But that is besides the point. My point is that I think as humans we
have the capability to differentiate between symbols and their
meanings based on context. Whether those that don't should be
accomodated, I don't really care for that discussion (yet).

Whichever way you cut the mustard, we still need a symbol to test for
equality and what would be more natural than to use a symbol which has
already been in use for several hundred years (invented in 1557 by
Welshman Robert Recorde).



Right. In my opinion, both '=' and ':=' differ by one character from
'==' (oh god, that levenshtein distance function is taking hold of my
brain..), and for me it would be just as distinct if we exclude
mistypes from the equation (no pun intended).

I don't quite agree. Doubled characters are easier to miss than other
added characters, in general. Especially when the symbol is just "two
parallel lines", and all the extra character does is make them longer.
It's similarly easier to get confused by, say, _ vs. __ in the middle
of a long name, than it would be by _ vs. #_.


Keith Thompson

Well, as this applies to nearly anything you have written in response,
I'll just put it here:

You can either pretend you're a compiler and don't know anything more
abstract than your grammar (and the standard defining it) -- or you can
just apply some human abstraction to understand the /intention/ behind
C's language constructs and ask yourself in that context whether typedef
is a good name or not.

My decision is clear: the name is perfect.

It's not a matter of applying or not applying "some human abstraction".
You and I are just apply *different* abstractions to the same construct.
And the one I'm using matches the one used by the C standard.

typedef does not define a type. It defines a name for a type.

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