ignore a line


Default User

Joona said:
Default User <[email protected]> scribbled the following
FrancisC wrote:
[gigantic snip]
If I want to copy the 70th character of the second line, and store it as
integer(eg, "6" to 6) for later writing to a new file, then how can I insert
the code?
[another big snip]
Please trim down the quoted material to a minimal subset that is
necessary for your reply.

But Default, surely you must know that I have a 6-line signature.

I'm not sure what your point is, as my message wasn't originally
directed towards you. I also find it puzzling to brag about netiquette
violations. What was the point of your message? My point was that it was
very difficult to read the one I refered to, because of the lack of
proper snippage.

Brian Rodenborn

Joona I Palaste

Default User <[email protected]> scribbled the following
Joona said:
Default User <[email protected]> scribbled the following
FrancisC wrote:
[gigantic snip]
If I want to copy the 70th character of the second line, and store it as
integer(eg, "6" to 6) for later writing to a new file, then how can I insert
the code?
[another big snip]
Please trim down the quoted material to a minimal subset that is
necessary for your reply.

But Default, surely you must know that I have a 6-line signature.
I'm not sure what your point is, as my message wasn't originally
directed towards you. I also find it puzzling to brag about netiquette
violations. What was the point of your message? My point was that it was
very difficult to read the one I refered to, because of the lack of
proper snippage.

I was not bragging about anything. It was a subtle hint towards another
newsgroup, where the fact that I {have,had} a 6-line signature
seem{s,ed} to justify any breach of netiquette from anyone.


Dan said:
.... snip ...

In the case of the 4-line limit for the sig-block, there are good
arguments both pro and con. The main reason that prompted it is
no longer as valid today as it was back then: bandwidth saving.
Few people access Usenet today via 2400 bps modems, while 20
years ago such modems were the very backbone of Usenet.

OTOH, it is still true that, in most cases, 4 lines provide ample
space for supplying as much contact information as needed/desired,
so there is little point in using larger sig-blocks. However, if
someone really needs more, there is no good reason for treating 4
lines as a hard limit.

Which is why nobody has objected to his 5 liner before. However
the existence of the limit allows us to berate those who take up a
page. Just as we should object to lack of snippage. The worst
offenders are those who attach a large sig without a proper sig
marker, and do it in HTML.

Default User

Joona said:
I was not bragging about anything. It was a subtle hint towards another
newsgroup, where the fact that I {have,had} a 6-line signature
seem{s,ed} to justify any breach of netiquette from anyone.

I have enough problem with stuff without deciphering coded messages to
other groups ;)

Brian Rodenborn

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