[ ... ]
You went to far with this statement, it is flatly incorrect. It is C,
not C++, that is the most widely available language. There is a C
compiler for every platform that has a C++ implementation, the one
included in the C++ package, if no others.
But there are C compilers for a vast number of platforms, most notably
embedded systems and digital signal processors, that do not have C++
This is open to some question as well. Given that Comeau C++ compiles
from C++ input to standard, portable C as its output, you can make a
pretty fair argument that any platform that supports C also supports
Of course, actually using the Comeau compiler for a purpose like this
requires a license that allows it -- and knowing Greg, he probably does
more than just write a license and tell you to have fun. I'd expect he
does a bit of rewriting to invoke that compiler correctly, and then runs
full regression tests and such before he considers the port complete.
Nonetheless, I think it would probably take an extremely unusual target
back-end compiler for this to be any more than a fairly minor, routine
kind of task.