Showing that you are using gcc incorrectly. Use -W -Wall -ansi
You can replace -ansi with -std=C99 if you wish and your library can
handle it.
The word complain was a poor choice, and if you had read it in context
you would have understood that and wouldn't have to pick nits with my
I said that my assumption had been that trying to increment a void
pointer "would not work at all", not that it would generate a "complaint",
and that that assumption is what caused me to falsely believe that the
cast had modified the pointer arithmetic.
So the sentence you quote was added to confirm that my assumption was
wrong: that gcc does still "work" ie compile without error given code that
increments a void pointer; not that it doesn't generate warnings.
Granted, I didn't use the options in this case but that's beside the point
I was trying to make.
I am aware of those options and usually do use them (apart from the -W
option which now that I read about it looks useful, so I'll add it in
Look, I understand the importance of correctness and precision especially
in a group about a standardised programming language, but if you're going
to jump on what you see as an error in someone's phrasing - and even to go
further and make assumptions about their general use of the compiler - at
least give them the benefit of the doubt and try to see if what they're
saying can be interpreted correctly given the overall context.