I think Nilges' response is reminder enough :
Yeah, pretty much.
This seems to be pretty much par for the course. It's entirely possible
that in some of his attempts to open a private channel, he used more
temperate language... But he has never, at any point, done anything
involving me that did not lead immediately to, if I showed any sign
of thinking he was anything but batshit insane, asserting that the right
thing for me to do is remove my page about C:TCR.
Because that page is why the Wikipedia people finally said "no, there isn't
any more citation needed for the thing saying Schildt's writings are not
well regarded among the technical community."
I would dearly love to know the *actual* reasons for which Nilges is so
incredibly obsessive on this topic. Did he get fired from a job for owning
a Schildt book, or for something he did which relied on information he
derived from one of Schildt's books? Did he lose some political battle
in which the ostensible subject was something to do with the stack, which
seems to be a particular point of obsession? I have no idea, but I've
always been curious. The reasons Nilges provides are consistently obviously
fake -- the mere fact that he switches from one to another with no hiccups
as soon as he realizes a given one won't play with a particular audience
makes it clear that they're all just excuses and rationalizations.
I'd love to know the real reason.
.... The interesting thing, BTW, is that I've been having multiple fascinating
discussions with people who disagree with me, while Nilges is the one who
calls someone an "asshole" for correcting him, then insists that he's not
being insulting.
Seebach displayed a saintly restraint in his responses to Nilges'
paranoid accusations for months before filtering him out.
I responded to him about twice before concluding that he was good only
for laughs. That said, there's a substantial point here -- Nilges has
never figured out how to view the entirety of long posts through Google
Groups, so far as I can tell, so substantive questions which are near
the end of a longish post are invisible to him. (This is why you sometimes
see Google's text for "and there's more to this post" quoted in his
But I have no interest in privately communicating with someone who appears
to habitually lie about what he or other people said. I'd rather keep
the record out in the open. Not because this will prevent him from
blatantly misrepresenting things, but because it will prevent him from
fooling anyone*.
[*] Obviously, Kenny is taken in by anything anyone writes which criticizes
people he considers "regs", but I don't think that counts.