in what field is C used the most?



Erik said:
Most people strive for being correct 100% of the time. Why
is that you seem to try for incorrect 100% of the time?

Read "Alice in Wonderland". He only does it to annoy.

Thomas Matthews

E. Robert Tisdale said:
Legacy software maintenance.
Yes and no. I've worked on legacy systems where we snuck
in some assembler and C++.

Programmers use C++ for new program development.
As others have stated, C is also used for new program
development. I'm working on a new project now and they
only want to use C even though C++ has nicer facilities
for modeling the hardware (I didn't say "better"). So
do I tell my managers that they are wrong? Should I
have them talk to you?

Thomas Matthews

C++ newsgroup welcome message:
C++ Faq:
C Faq:
alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ faq:
Other sites: -- C++ STL Library book

Default User

[usual Trollsdale misinformation]
Read "Alice in Wonderland". He only does it to annoy.

I wish he was the sort you could just killfile, but he knows enough to
sound like he knows what he's talking about sometimes, the most
dangerous sort.

Brian Rodenborn

Joona I Palaste

SL said:
I even encountered a manager who thought I forgot to put the '#' after the C
in my resume!

I never thought I'd see the day when people have heard of C# but not C.


Joona I Palaste said:
I never thought I'd see the day when people have heard of C# but not C.

And this soon.......
It was a Microsoft shop, doing VBA development mostly. Maybe now you can
understand :)

Joona I Palaste

And this soon.......
It was a Microsoft shop, doing VBA development mostly. Maybe now you can
understand :)

You must have been interviewed by a department manager. You could have
had better luck with a team leader. I know from experience that team
leaders usually know much more about programming than managers.

Servé Lau

Malcolm said:
It is also very common to see programs written in a hybrid of C and C++.
There are many reasons for this. One of the major ones is that academic
writers tend to publish routines in C or another procedural language. If you
are including these routines it makes sense to use C or the C subset of C++.
So it is still necessary to be au fait with C programming, even if the whole
program isn't written in C.

And in the real world we have to create software from time to time that will
have to be used by people using other languages or compilers. Forget about
C++ then.


Default said:
[usual Trollsdale misinformation]
Read "Alice in Wonderland". He only does it to annoy.

I wish he was the sort you could just killfile, but he knows
enough to sound like he knows what he's talking about sometimes,
the most dangerous sort.

Even worse, his return address gives some dewey eyed youngsters
that impression. I am surprised that nasa, jpl, etc. have not
taken steps. Once in a rare while his posts are even
mis-information free!

The situation is reminiscent of public spirited people trying to
catch the leash of an escaped dog at the public park.

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