jacob navia said:
Back [almost?] to topic: If I couldn't control my memory handling
and pointers, I wouldn't use C.
You keep control of everything.
That's right. That's why I like C. But with such
control comes responsibility. I if lose control,
it's my own fault.
But the system should
have an automatic.
C doesn't require support of a 'system', and in the
presence of one, makes very few requirements of it.
Some hardware and some operating systems do have
'safeties' built in. Some do not. C is designed,
intentionally, to be able to be used with either.
It does allow one to create 'software safeties' if
desired, but does not impose such a burden in cases
where it's not needed or desired. Such things belong
in e.g. special-purpose libraries, not the language
or its 'standard' (i.e.platform-neutral) library.
C is a 'lightweight', *flexible* language. I like
it that way.
I like Dan's 'sharp tool' metaphor.
If a soldier in combat shoots his foot, should we
tell him to stop carrying his gun loaded, or train
him to carry and handle it safely? If he cannot follow
such training, he does not belong on the battlefield.
When you turn the wheel there is a point where the
machine refuses to turn more. It just refuses to
obey to a nonsense command. It is build like that.
And the 'response' can vary widely amongst machines.
'Recovery' might or might not be possible. Careful
coding is the way to prevent such responses.
When you attempt to write beyond a pointer limits
the system doesn't do it.
One cannot always assume existence of a 'system' (other
than the program itself). If by 'system' you mean only e.g.
a hardware platform, of course its capacity and possible
behaviors must be considered (could be addressed with
coding practice, or perhaps simply warnings in documentation).
You still have an error, and you can fire an exception
or just return false, and leave it up to the calling
Or you might have no recourse at all. The machine
could 'freeze up'. The only solution is careful,
thoughtful coding (or dependence upon such from others,
via e.g. a library). Of course platform-specific
issues are important, but they're not part of the
standardized, 'general purpose' language, C. The
design of C allows the creation of such platform-
specific controls and checks, anyway.
You keep control of the error since you are the
only one that can fix it. The machine will not fix
Depends upon the machine, but yes, imo one should
code carefully and thoughtfully, making the application
as 'self-responsible' as possible.
You should keep an eye into nostalgy.
Yes, those were the times.
I am too old to look back. I want to look forward.
I look both directions. Prior knowledge and experience
are as valuable resources as new knowledge. The latter
often depends upon the former, as well.
If we program remembering the past we are doomed.
So I should discard e.g. elementary logic, because
I learned it a long time ago?
We have no future.
Remember the future.
Now that made me smile. I can *consider* the
future, I find it difficult to *remember* it.
Today's fast machines provide
power for a new and widespread way of developing,
in scales much bigger than before.
But, (and I think this is essentially the crux of my
objections to your ideas about 'safetifying' C strings):
Trying to "bulletproof" everything imo encourages
mindlessness. *Not Good* for a programmer. This
should be certainly implemented as much as possible
at the end-user level, by programmers who *think*.
Even the C++ 'std::string' (as well as the language
itself) that I mentioned can be abused. It *is* imo
'safer' but not bulletproof, nor can it ever be.
It's this recent trend (that I see) in languages to obviate
the need to think, that I find very disquieting.
Today's priorities aren't those of years ago.
Some are, some are not. Priorities also depend upon
an application's domain.
A good antidote against nostalgy is realizing that
those circuit boards are gone for good.
I was not promoting nostalgia, nor 'plug-board' programming
today, only giving an example.
And, no 'circuit boards', imo will never go away.
They're often implemented in silicon nowadays, and
programmed at higher levels, that's all.
There are much more powerful circuit boards today.
Yup. But the concept of a 'circuit' and its usefulness
imo will not be going away any time soon. I don't
do 'plug board' programming any more, but while learning
it, I did learn about 'circuits', and find such learning
still very useful today. Hey! Who turned out the lights!?!
Anyway, if you see a need for your 'safer' strings, by
all means make a library for such. But don't impose
it upon the basic language and library.