I don't see how I can be any more clear about my view of input.
It is normal for our very views to be clear to ourselves, but anyone
else can find it hard to see it in the same way because they happen to
look from a different perspective.
I will state my view once again if it makes it any clearer:
Thank you very much, I feel it was necessary for me.
With regards to the input streams which is the current context we're
referring to, we have:
source data -> stream -> object.
In this scenario I regard the input as the step data-> stream.
I accept it, that's your point of view.
The question you put forward is... would I call the next step of this
process input re:
stream -> object
This could be regarded as input to the object but if you call this input
is becomes confused with the main input process. It's much less
confusing to simply call this extraction or use some other word or phrase.
OK, so, if I'm not mistaken, your reply to my question is "yes", but you
make the caveat that it makes things confused because you assign more
importance to the "main input process", which, for you, is the process
of bringing the data from the external source to std::cin.
I accept it, that's your point of view.
Now if you look at it from another perspective you could have:
input data -> program
I consider this interpretation to be the general interpretation of input
as explained in this general link.
In fact if I do a web search on 'input stream', 99% of relevant results
refer to input in this way.
OK, that's the meaning utilized in general when speaking about "input"
and "program", I accept it.
You do not seem to accept these more generally interpretations of input
, and you keep trying to say that input is stream -> object.
No, please let me correct this. I fully accept these generic
interpretations - on the contrary, I've repeatedly stated that the word
"input" can, by all rights, be assigned to the process of the program
getting the data from an external source.
Just do a simple web search and the evidence against this is
overwhelming, for this reason I feel you are simply trying to create an
argument by dismissing my views time after time.
I don't think I've dismissed your views, but if I happened to give that
impression I can assure you that it was not my purpose.
Please let me state once more that I fully accept your point of view, it
is reasonable and shared among many, many people and pages all around
the web.
Now I'd like to expose, with your permission, my point of view about the
core and birth of our disagreement.
I cannot speak about anyone else that has participated in our
discussions, so I'll speak only about myself.
As a C++ programmer, I am accustomed to interpret the questions that get
posted in these groups (specifically, the very words those questions are
composed with) under the light of the C++ Standard. I feel it compelling
because it is a good way to avoid a lot of misunderstanding and
unfruitful debates about the meaning of a word.
To make a silly example just because it happens to be a word that
already appeared: when I see the word "extractor" or "extraction" I
immediately think about operator>>() and not about dental surgery or
surgery tools, and I happen to think about operator>>() because these
groups are focused about the C++ language as it is defined by the C++
You might have noticed that any "variant" of the C++ language (I mean
the various platform specific or implementation specific extensions or
details that happen to be used, rightfully, within a C++ program) are
considered off-topic here, and the usual reply one gets when posting
questions about such topics is to find a better group to post them.
The same happens with the word "input" when used as meaning "the process
of bringing the data from an external source to std::cin", because it
happens to be an implementation dependent detail, there is nothing
"Standard" with it.
When I first read the word "input" in that "famous" thread my mind
immediately translated it into "input from a stream to an appropriate
variable", because that's the meaning intended by the C++ Standard.
You can guess that, when /you/ used the word "input" in that "famous"
thread, that /still/ meant "input from the stream to a variable" for me.
The fact that you did not specify immediately what meaning you were
assigning to the word "input" helped to develop a lot of
misunderstanding for me because yours, to my eyes, was not /the obvious
meaning/ in the context of these very groups.
That was the cause of my accusation about you shifting the context from
the /obvious for me/ meaning (stream --> variable) to the /obvious for
you/ meaning (external source --> stream).
Now, I repeat, I cannot really speak for the others, but I think that
the /obvious for me/ meaning is also the /obvious for the group/
meaning, not because I think everybody else actually /thinks/ so but
because everybody else should keep as reference what is /obvious for the
C++ Standard/.
I hope I have clarified my point of view on the matter.