insert html into html


Jonathan N. Little

mcnewsxp said:
right. one line did the trick. scrapped the iframe and javascript.

I misread his post. I interpreted "-" as an AND function not OR


How do you know he has?

right. one line did the trick. scrapped the iframe and javascript. [/QUOTE]

Could you please stop failing to quote properly? Jonathan was
spot on in asking you about quoting.

David Raleigh Arnold

You do not use tables the way you suggest for the same reason you
wouldn't teach a guitar player to not bother to tune their guitar
properly. You can always reposition your fingers to achieve the correct
notes. It saves time at the beginning but makes it near impossible to
play correctly.


I suppose I should feel stupid, but I just can't because the
OP ended by placing one table inside another. Color me puzzled.
Gotta go. Regards, daveA

David Raleigh Arnold


I suppose I should feel stupid, but I just can't because the OP ended by
placing one table inside another. Color me puzzled. Gotta go. Regards,

Saw your web site. It is very good of you to spend time answering
questions from ignoramuses like me.

I was at an exhibit of Tibetan art in the Freer gallery today.
The paintings were very dimly lit in order to preserve them.
Would it be possible to create chromatic light amplifying glasses that
patrons could put on to see the art better? It's a formidable
challenge, I'm sure, but such a device would be useful to preserve
paintings all over the world. I suppose it would be a piece of cake if
they were digital, but direct vision would be so great if possible.
Regards, daveA
Jan 7, 2012
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On Mar 30, 9:57*am, mcnewsxp <[email protected]> wrote:
> how can i insert one html page into another. *i have a main page that
> contains several tables. *the tables change while the page does not.
> so i would like to insert some code that would display the tables
> exactly where i would like them positioned.
> i started fooling around with object type equal, but not much joy with
> IE.

It has long been possible to embed one web page in another web page
using proper w3c code. The w3c schools has had an example up for
years. The problem is that this will not work on IE browsers. However
there is an ActiveX object for IE that will embed one page in another
and that validates at w3c. The problem with it is that it will not
work on most other browsers that do not support ActiveX. These
problems can be overcome by using Microsoft conditional comments to
route to an ordinary object for most browsers and to route to an
ActiveX object for IE browsers.

See for a main page and for the page that is
embedded in it. The page uses css code to remove scroll bars from the
embeddpage both for IE and other browsers, but it can be deleted as
marked in the source code of the main page if you need scroll bars in
the embedded page.

The embedded page is very special. I want to show a smil media page
which is a type of xml page. Most browsers have little, if any,
support for xml built in. In most cases you have to use some sort of
xml viewer program. Some have the Real Player installed, and it has
very good support of smil built into it. If you route to an
embedded(using proper objects) Real player with a .ram file that
points to the xml smil page, the player if installed will come up, and
the smil show will start. If no Real player is found, the large space
for it is not used, and only the text at the bottom of the embedded
page appears. The size of the embedded area is set so it just shows
the player if it comes up, but if not, the text at the bottom of the
page comes up with other choices ending with a text choice for those
who hate media and disable most of it. Setting the embedded page so
that the embed comes up exactly where you want it requires a bit of
effort, but it usually can be done. I use xhtml 1.1 properly served as
application/xhtml+xml to prove that this type of embed of one web page
in another can validate as xhtml and css to the top level. If you do
not have a server set up to properly serve true xhtml using
application/xhtml+xml, then it is best to use html 4.01 strict. The
page has been checked on Vista 64-bit and XP 32-bit OSs using IE7 and
the most recent versions of Firefox, Safari for Windows, and Opera.
Opera does not show the Real player at first, so you get the download
option and other choices. If you then download, you can play on the
Real Player on your computer, if installed.
Thanks a lot! This worked like a charm. I needed this to insert an html into another html. Thanks!

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