Note that here, "such an input" is, e.g., "1.23e-xyz":
int n;
double d;
char buf[100];
n = sscanf("1.23e-xyz", "%lf%99s", &d, buf);
I disagree that such an input must fail.
If you mean "it is possible to handle this in a computer program,
without having it `fail', so that d is set to 1.23 and buf is set
to e-xyz", then yes.
If you mean "the Standard does not require that this fail", then
no: a DR or TR at some point in the past (back in the 1990s) said
This irked me, because my stdio handled it just fine, setting n
to 2, d to 1.23, and copying the string "e-xyz" into buf[]. But
that is what they said: it must fail. Here, n must be set to 0,
and d and buf[] must be unaltered.
In practice this all means that the scanf series of functions
should not be used to input numerics without limiting the call to a
single field.
Because of the silly required failure, it should not even be used
for that. Better to get the string into a buffer, and then sscanf()
or (better) strtod(), strtol(), etc.
Note that the Standard requires that, given:
char *ep;
d = strtod("1.23e-xyz", &ep);
d must be set to 1.23, and ep must point to the 'e' in "e-xyz".
That is, the requirements for strtod() and the scanf() family are
It might be nice if the Standard would (or, possibly, does) also
require that both the scanf engine and the strtod() routine handle
"arbitrarily long" inputs wherever they can occur, i.e., in sscanf(),
and in fscanf() and plain scanf() if there are no actual line-length
limits "underneath" the C library, as it were. A scanf engine
*could* handle this internally: if LDBL_MAX_EXP is, say, 10000, at
most a few more than 10000 decimal digits are required to hold a
number (and in fact even fewer are really necessary, if the
implementor wants to fiddle with mantissa and exponent in stringy
ways before calling strtod() internall).