iostream error.


Keith Thompson

Mark McIntyre said:
Keith, go back and read the google threading again. You've started too
far down the thread. .

I was referring to the article that I cited. Whatever happened
earlier in the thread may or may not be of some significance; I just
didn't happen to be talking about it. I stand by my earlier

Mark McIntyre

I was referring to the article that I cited. Whatever happened
earlier in the thread may or may not be of some significance; I just
didn't happen to be talking about it. I stand by my earlier

As usual, I'm amazed at how normal intelligent people will defend
their mistakes beyond the point of it being sensible.
Mark McIntyre

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian Kernighan

Rod Pemberton

Mark McIntyre said:
As usual, I'm amazed at how normal intelligent people will defend
their mistakes beyond the point of it being sensible.

I think that's _almost_ a correct statement. I would've said:
"As usual, I'm amazed at how intelligent people will defend their mistakes
beyond the point of it being sensible. "

Rod Pemberton

Keith Thompson

Mark McIntyre said:
As usual, I'm amazed at how normal intelligent people will defend
their mistakes beyond the point of it being sensible.

Since the above was a direct response to something I posted, it gives
the appearance of being a comment directed specifically at me. In
private e-mail, Mark has indicated that it was actually directed at me
and several others. I mention this for the sake of setting the record

I still stand by my earlier statements, but I'm not particularly
interested in discussing this on the newsgroup any further.

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