Ok. Can't speak for MW, but I think that by the end of 2007 we'll have
near-perfect C99 compilers from GNU, Sun, Microsoft, and Intel. Odds now
down to at 5:1; you're in?
With the *and* in there? Sure. Since Microsoft alone will not do it
(otherwise why not back port MFC to C?), the GNU people may decide that the
last 10% just isn't worth it, Sun has two other languages to worry about that
take precidence in terms of development resources, and once C++0x emerges, C99
development by any of these vendors will almost certainly be halted. I'd have
to be wrong on all of these guys to lose this.
Ok. I agree with you on extending the capabilities of the preprocessor
in general, although I can't come up with actual things I miss in
everyday programming.
I run into this every now and then. For example, I was recently trying to
solve the following problem: Create a directed graph on n points, each with an
out degree of d (I am concerned with very small d, like 2), such that the path
length between any pair of points is minimized.
Turns out that this is a problem whose complexity grows super-exponentially
with very small values of n. Despite my best efforts, I don't know the answer
for n=11, d=2 for example (I know its either 3 or 4, but I can't prove that its
not 3). More startling is the possibility that n=12,d=2 might have a smaller
latency (but I don't know that either)!
Anyhow, the point is that the only way to have a chance to squeeze enough
computational juice out of my PC to solve this, I had to hard code huge amounts
of the code, and use a lot of bit twiddling tricks just for each special case.
I used the preprocessor macros as much as possible to make my code manageable,
but in order to change n, I actually have to *modify* the code by adding and
changing *n* lines of code. There's not much I can do about this, I would have
no chance to solve this otherwise.
With a more powerful preprocessor, or a code generator, I could actually make
this so that I could modify one #define, or even possibly make it run time
settable (though this would make the code much larger.)
It's the task of a standard to spell these out, I think.
Yes, but most things that relate to the "encouraging of writing
extremely unsound and poor code", as you describe C, would be better
fixed by using another language. A lot of the inherently unsafe things
in C are sometimes needed, when doing low-level stuff.
Why is UB in isgraph(-1) needed? Why is UB in gets() needed? Why is the fact
that fgets() skips over '\0' characters needed? Why is a non-portable right
shift on signed integers needed (especially considering the one on unsigned
*is* portable)?
[powerful heap manager]
But a third party library can't do this portably.
I don't see why not?
Explain to me how you implement malloc() in a *multithreaded* environment
portably. You could claim that C doesn't support multithreading, but I highly
doubt your going to convince any vendor that they should shut off their
multithreading support based on this argument.
Now your shifting the goalposts.
How so? The two are related. Writing a heap manager requires that you are
aware of multitasking considerations. If I want to extend the heap manager, I \0
have to solve them each one by one in different ways on different platforms.
And, of course, what sort of expectation of portability would an end user have
knowing that the library itself had to be carefully hand ported?
Compare this to the string library that I wrote (
http://bstring.sf.net/). Its
totally portable. Although I don't have access to MAC OS X, and don't use gnu
C on Linux, in order to test to make sure, I know for a fact that end users
from both platforms have downloaded and have/are actively using it. I know it
works in 16 bit and 32 bit DOS/Windows environments, etc., etc. Its totally
portable, in the realworld sense of portable (semantically, as well as
syntactically.) The point is that the end users know that there is absolutely
0 risk of losing portability or having porting problems because of the use of
this library.
Third party tools for advanced heaps makes little sense. It would only be
worth consideration if it were actively ported to many platforms -- which
increases its cost. I.e., for whatever set of platforms I am considering using
such a library, I am paying for the development cost of every playform that it
would be ported to in the price of using it. Its also highly useless for new
hardware platforms which are in development. Even having access to the source
is of lesser value if there are platform specifics in each instance that
requires munging just to port it.
The point is, if the C standard were simply to add this functionality straight
into the library, then it would be each compiler vendor's responsibility to add
this functionality into the compiler. And the functionality would be
inherently portable as a result. The requirement of multitasking support would
then be pushed back into the vendors lap -- i.e., the people who have
introduced this non-portable feature in the first place.
Obviously, you cannot write a multithreading heap manager portably if
there is no portable standard on multithreading (doh). If you need this
you can always presume POSIX, and be on your way.
You do not understand. The *IMPLEMENTATION* needs to be multithreading aware.
From a programmer's point of view, the multithreading support is completely
transparent. This has no end user impact from a POSIX specification point of
I disagree. POSIX is for things like this.
What does the latter remark have to do with C's suitability for doing it?
I am saying that I don't disagree with you, but I think you are missing the
point. By simply adding the features/function into C, that would make it
defacto portable from the point of view that matters -- programmers of the C
For most flat-memory architectures, its actually very straightforward to add in
all the features that I am requesting. I know this because I've written my own
heap manager, which of course uses platform specific behaviour for the one
platform I am interested in. (It only gets complicated for platforms with
unusual memory, like segmented architectures, which have correspondingly
complicated heap managers today.) This is in stark contrast with the
incredibly high bar of platform-specific complications set by trying to do this
outside of the language.
It already did, it seems - You just stated your decision, with regard to
binary output. Fine by me.
Not fine by me. Because some other programmer who's code I have to look at
will use it, and I won't have any idea what it is.
Just a dozen or so! But _standardized_ ones.
And you don't see the littlest problem with this proposal? If you add a dozen,
you'd better be sure that they are last dozen that anyone could possibly want
to add to the language. Their value add would have be worth the pain of having
everyone learn about 12 new symbols.
That's too much freedom for my taste. If I would want this kind of
thing, I would yank out lex and yacc and code my own language.
Well how is that different from adding just &&& and |||? If you *REALLY
REALLY* want them, then why don't you yank out lex and yacc and code up a new
I don't know if you've ever experienced the mispleasure of having to
maintain code that's not written by yourself, but it's difficult enough
as it is.
Do it all the time.
[...] Adding new operators might be interesting from a theoretical
perspective, but it surely is a bad idea from a broader software
engineering perspective.
Its no worse than trying to add in &&& or ||| today.
There is an important difference: functions have a "name" that has a
mnemonic function.
But the name may be misleading -- as is the case, more often than not, just
reflecting the thought of the original instance by the original programmer who
maybe cut and paste it from somewhere else.
[...] Operators are just a bunch of pixels with no link to
anything else. It's only by a lot of repetition that you get used to
weird things like '<' and '>'. I don't know about you, But I used to do
Pascal before I switched to C. It took me quite some time before I got
used to "!=".
And how long will it take the rest of us to get used to your weird &&& or |||
There are several such standards for identifier names. No such standard
exists for operator names, except: use familiar ones; preferably, steal
them from other languages.
Sounds like a reasonable convention to me. How about: All new operators must
be defined in a central module named ----. Or: Only these new operators may be
added as defined by ... yada, yada, yada. The coding standards are just
[...] The common denominator of all the identifier
standards is: "use meaningful names". I maintain that there is no
parallel for operators; there's no such thing as a "meaningful"
operator, except when you have been drilled to know their meaning. Your
proposal is in direct collision with this rather important fact of how
the human mnd seems to work.
Just like freeform variable names, there is the same incumberance of the
programmers managing the meaning of the symbols for more generic operators.
You have not made a sufficient case to convince me that there is a real
difference between the two.
BTW -- odd how you actually thought that these were "nice". Do you think you
would have a hard to remembering them? Would it wrankle on your brain because
they were odd and unfamilliar operators that are new to the language? Would
you have a tendancy to write abusive code because of the existence of these new
Do you think perhaps its possible to use an arbitrarily extendable operator
mechanism in order to *clarify* or make code actually more maintainable?
Hmmm. I hate to do this again, but could you provide semantics? Just to
keep things manageable, I'd be happy to see what happens if high, low,
a, and b are any possible combinations of bit-widths and signedness.
Could you clearly define the meaning of this?
a, b, high and low must be integers. The signedness of the result of a * b (as
if it were not widened) dictates the result signedness. Coercion will happen
as necessary when storing to high and low. The whole expression will have a
side effect of returning high.
I don't see them working the committees to get these supported in
non-assembly languages.
That's because they don't care about how the it goes down once it hits
software. Someone has to pay something for a platform specific library? -- who
cares, as long as they sell their hardware. These same people didn't get
together to define the C standard did they? Why would they bother with an
extension just for widening multiplies?
Instead the hardware people waste their time on trivial little specifications
like IEEE-754, which the C standards idiots don't bother to look at until 15
years later.
[...] I guess they're pretty satisfied with the bignum
libs that exist, that provide assembly implementations for all important
platforms (and even a slow fallback for others). The reality is that
no-one seems to care except you, on this.
The hardware people care that it exists, and not about the form of its
existence, so long as it gets used. For anyone who wants to *USE* this
functionality, though, they are stuck with assembly, or third party libraries.
I think you would find that bignum operations are a small part of the
load on e-commerce servers.
According to a paper by Intel, widening multiply accounts for something like
30% of the load on typical e-commerce transactions (typing in your credit card
over the net in a way that can't be snooped.) One single assembly instruction
(one *bundle* on Itanium) holds a whole server down for 30% of its computation,
versus the total 100K line e-commerce software required to the do the rest.
That's why HW manufacturers are keen on the number of transistors they spend
making this one opeartion reasonably fast.
[...] All RSA-based protocols just do a small
amount of bignum work at session-establishment time to agree to a key
for a shared-secret algorithm.
This is only useful for much larger secure transations like ssh, or an
encrypted phone call or something. E-commerce is a much smaller, one shot
transaction, where the RSA computation dominates.
Hang on, are we talking about "overflow" or "carry" here? These are two
different things with signed numbers.
What happens if a is signed and b is unsigned?
My intend was for the operation to follow the semantics of the x86 ADC assembly
instruction. The point is that this instruction is known to be proper for
doing correct bignum additions.
What happens if the signedness of var, a, and b are not equal?
It just behaves like the ADC x86 assembly instruction, the details of which I
will not regurgitate here.
What happens if the bit-widths of var, a, and b are not equal?
The bit-widths would be converted as if the (a + b) operation were happening in
isolation, to match C language semantics.
.... So this would presume the actual expression is: "+< var = a + b" .
There's no need to introduce a mandatory "carry" variable, then.
True. Is this a problem? Perhaps you would like it to return var as a side
effect instead to avoid this redundancy? I don't have that strong of a feeling
on it.
In fact, if is were only interested in the carry, I'd be out of luck:
still need the 'var'. That's a bit ugly.
You could just omit it as a degenerate form:
+< = a + b
Basically, this is a C-esque syntax for a tuple assignment which
unfortunately is lacking in C:
(carry, value) = a+b
Yeah see, but the problem is that this encompasses existing C-language forms.
For all I know this might be legal C syntax already (I wouldn't know, I just
don't use the "," operator in this way) in which case we are kind of already
dead with backwards compatibility. There's also nothing in that syntax to
indicate some new thing was happening that is capturing the carry.
That's not the "binary GCD algorithm", that's just Knuths version that
avoids modulos. Below is a binary GCD.
Sorry, a previous version that I never put out on the web used the binary
algorithm. I tested Knuths as much faster and thus updated it, and forgot that
I had done this.
This is probably the most elaborate version of "yes, I made these
numbers up from thin air" I've ever came across
But I didn't. I used to work with one of these companies. People spend time
and consideration on this one instruction. You could just feel the impact that
this one instruction was going to have, and the considerations for the cost of
its implementation. I could easily see a quarter million just in design
effort, then some quarter million in testing, not to mention the cost of the
extra die area once it shipped -- and this is inside of *ONE* of these
companies, for *ONE* chip generation.
For example, inside of Intel, they decided that they were going to reuse their
floating point multiplier for their widening integer add for Itanium. But that
meant that the multiplier had to be able to do 128 bit multiplies (as opposed
to 82 bits, which is all the Itanium would have apparently needed) and
couldn't run a floating point and integer multiply at the same time. This has
non-trivial layout and design impact on the chip.
Yup. And it is used too. From machine language.
And *only* machine language. That's the point.
Correction: the Intel marketing department promised that it would be
great for e-commerce.
I'll be sure to go track down the guy who gave an 2-hour long presentation
showing the guts of a clever 56/64 bit carry avoiding bignum multiply algorithm
that Intel was pushing for Itanium and SSE-2, that he's really just a marketing
guy. Intel's claims were real -- they had working code in-house.
The only thing your example shows is that a marketing angle sometimes
doesn't rhyme well with technical realities.
No, it shows that without having a proper path, technology can be bogged down
by inane weaknesses in standards. Intel had its *C* compilers ready to go for
the Itanium *LONG* before any of this happened. Even to this day, we are
*STILL* waiting for the code to make it into GMP:
The grey bars indicate where they *think* the performance will be (because they
can't get their hands on the platform, or because they are still hacking on the
code) and the pink bars are actual delivered performance. So is Itanium really
fast or really slow at this? From that chart its impossible to tell for sure.
I would guess that Intel, being both a compiler maker and the IA64
manufacturer, could have introduced a macro widemul(hr,lr,a,b) to do
this, and help the SWOX guys out a bit?
They could have. But what kind of relationship do you think a proprietary
company like Intel has with a bunch of GPL geeks?
I don't know SWOX; what do they use for bignum multiplication?
Karatsuba's algorithm?
I think they have an option for that. But from my recollection of having
looked into this, by the time Karatsuba is useful, more advanced methods like
Toom Cook or straight to FFTs become applicable as well.