Ioannis Vranos
Irrwahn Grausewitz said:Correct. There are clever ones and dumb ones, nice ones and not
so nice ones, rude experts and kind imbeciles; there are people
feeling the necessity to practise self discipline in human
interaction, and there's Dan Pop. ;-)
If it were not for his expertise, he probably would've been
killfiled by everybody around. However, the art of successfully
communicating with Dan includes the ability to listen to what he
has to say, while blissfully ignoring the way he presents it.
His exaggerations can actually be very amusing, if you avoid to
make the mistake of taking it personally.
If I were to complain about anyone in amusenet, I'd rather object
to people like the resident quote forging troll in c.l.c, or the
ineffable nilgewater dispenser in c.p. But anyway, that's just me.
Perhaps someone will write a Dan Pop to rest human speech translator, it
can't be that difficult. One simple app where one will input Dan Pop
sentences, and read the output. Like something that will replace "B*****IT"
with "Yes, but".
Well if i have some free time this weekend i will make a GUI Dan Pop
translator in .NET and make it available for download somewhere.
Ioannis Vranos