Jeff Peng
Kirk Haines:
Those show the statistics for a small application IMO.
Once our application serves 200 million page views each day, and
generates 4T datas on storage. Under that case, the languange is really
sensitive, so we go with C/C++.
How about this:
A dynamic web site that's been running a couple years, with all of the
content pulled from a database, and navigation generated dynamically
from db contents, running on a shared server that is a few years old
(i.e. not cutting edge hardware), running on Ruby 1.8.6 (i.e. not a
speedy version of Ruby).
Requests per second: 137.45 [#/sec] (mean)
Make it more complex by pulling a page that renders a big table of
itty bitty numbers for mutual fund performance:
Requests per second: 82.48 [#/sec] (mean)
However, mitigate even those slow speeds by running it behind a load
balancer, implemented with Ruby, that caches the generated pages and
serves them from cache (while the LB is also managing requests for 70
other sites):
Requests per second: 6107.65 [#/sec] (mean)
Those show the statistics for a small application IMO.
Once our application serves 200 million page views each day, and
generates 4T datas on storage. Under that case, the languange is really
sensitive, so we go with C/C++.