Morton Goldberg
That's interesting: it looks like black text on white for the most
part to me, (WinXP, Firefox), though the pale green links are lower
contrast than the text.
To me, using Apple's Safari browser, the text on David Pollak's blog
appears as pale olive green on a very pale yellow green background.
That's difficult for me.
Some of the blue text in the header is more
difficult, and the dates and most of the sidebar are much lower
contrast. The problem for me was the size of the print, mostly,
which I fixed with ctrl-+ (actually, ctrl-scrollwheel). That's
more of a kludge, because I then need horizontal scrolling.
I tend to keep styling to a minimum on my sites so people's browser
defaults don't get overridden.
Is my ruby page accessible to you?
Yes, and it's easy for me read. Black text with dark blue links on a
white background don't give much trouble. I don't even have to
increase the text size with cmnd-+ or use ctrl-scroll -- the
initially displayed size is fine.
Of course, as you say, I'm seeing the default settings I've made for
my browser.
Regards, Morton