is this some c code ?



Joona I Palaste said:
Whatever next? Object-oriented assembly language with an in-built
garbage collector? (Anyone want to guess which language that garbage
collector would then be written in?)

Ever seen an ARM9 with the Jazelle java accelerator? It's not so far
from what you describe!

Joona I Palaste

There have been some "high level" assemblers providing such constructs
in order to reduce the amount of spaghetti in the source code. I guess
no true assembly programmer would use such a thing, but some vendors
tried their hands at selling them.

Righty-ho. I forgot assembler was a different thing from raw machine
code. However, it's not *MUCH* different. IMHO there should be a 1-1
correspondence between an assembler instruction and the generated
machine code instruction. But YOMBD.

Dan Pop

In said:
Righty-ho. I forgot assembler was a different thing from raw machine
code. However, it's not *MUCH* different. IMHO there should be a 1-1
correspondence between an assembler instruction and the generated
machine code instruction. But YOMBD.

Such a correspondence ceased to exist by the time macroassemblers have
been introduced, long before you were born.

A more accurate definition is that it is possible to control each
generated instruction from an assembly source code.

But even then, there are assemblers that can automatically fix
programmer mistakes: an out of range branch can be replaced by a short
branch on the opposite condition and a jump to the desired label.
I've used such an assembler as the back end of a C compiler that didn't
bother to check the validity of its generated branches (DECUS C on the


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