Issuing Cookies :->



brucie said: and the reports
are clients only. has published the
summaries, they usually do.

Shoppers Demand Decent Design,,6061_2224101,00.html

i especially like:

"It looks like it's designed by a marketing team, and not by people
who want to get you the information that you need," commented a survey
participant during a test site evaluation.

E-Commerce Should Hold Its Own This Holiday Season,,6061_903401,00.html

that report is older than i thought it was so who knows what the
numbers are now. considering the decent design report i would say
visitors are probably becoming less rather than more tolerant.

i also found this when i was looking around.

E-Commerce Evaluation Reveals Errors,,6061_3064131,00.html



65% of your visitors earning over 70,000 USD (a nice customer to have)
will leave if they don't like the design of the site.

And people may not like the site design because it is too fancy (you use
flash etc...) or because it is too plain (you don't use flash) It goes
both ways.

The nice things about statistics is that while you can not tell what
"I" did on your site, you can see what "EVERYONE" did. Humans as
individuals are unpredictable, as a group, we are WAY to predictable.


Well if you know where to look, you can trace me down to my exact address
(including flat number!) from my IP address, but that's because I have my
IP block registered personally to me rather than to my ISP.

No one is as geeky as people in this forum..... Remember, I do not have
to know YOU personally to know what you do as a group. Humans as
individuals are unpredictable, humans as a group are way too

Marvin Miller

Whitecrest said:
No one is as geeky as people in this forum..... Remember, I do not have
to know YOU personally to know what you do as a group. Humans as
individuals are unpredictable, humans as a group are way too

Well it's good to see there's at least some reasonable viewpoints here :)
I think there's some 'purists' here who would have every site be nothing but
text so that a browser that only 1% of the world's population are using will
display properly for them - even though +90% of the people hitting all sites
seem to use IE. But I guess even that 'statistic' is open to

Back to logfile analysis - I don't doubt that the reports are not perfect
but like some have been saying, generally they are a lot of help. Because
they may not be 100% exact some want to throw them out completely. I would
have to say that anyone who is not using a quality log file analysis tool is
not learning all that they can about their site's traffic trends and ways to
make the site more useful and easy to navigate for their clients. My logfile
analysis has shown me some pretty interesting ways to increasee page views
and ease of use.

But because the client's Ip addresses are not always sourced properly we
should ditch log file analysis altogether. That's dumb. Should I chuck out
my computer because it does not meet every industry standard exactly? Give
me a break. I don't live in a perfectly ordered logical world. All I have to
do is leave my computer, drive into town and interact with someone at a
store to realize that. Hey! These people are not operating according to the
industry standards! That's it - now I can't buy groceries anymore. Guess
I'll starve rather then entertaining the thought of changing my views ;-)



Back to logfile analysis - I don't doubt that the reports are not perfect
but like some have been saying, generally they are a lot of help. Because
they may not be 100% exact some want to throw them out completely.

the problem is GIGO (Garbage In, Gospel Out)
My logfile analysis has shown me some pretty interesting ways to increasee
page views and ease of use.

you cant tell how many times a page was viewed.
But because the client's Ip addresses are not always sourced properly we
should ditch log file analysis altogether. That's dumb.

the only thing you can tell from the IP is that a computer accessed
your site. thats it.
Should I chuck out my computer because it does not meet every industry
standard exactly?

you've lost me. whats the relationship between standards and what a
servers log file can tell you?

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