[ ... 5 options enumerated ... ]
6. Could modify izip so that one could write
from itertools import izip
zipit = izip(*seqs) # bind iterator object to preserve access to its state later
for tup in zipit:
# do something with tup as now produced
for tup in zipit.rest(sentinel):
# tup starts with the tuple that would have been returned if all sequences
# had been sampled and sentinel substituted where StopIteration happened.
# continuing until but not including (sentinel,)*len(seqs)
This would seem backwards compatible, and also potentially allow you to use the rest mode
from the start, as in
for tup in izip(*seqs).rest(sentinel):
# process tup and notice sentinel for yourself
Demo-of-concept hack: only tested as you see below
----< izip2.py >-----------------------------------------------------
class izip2(object):
works like itertools.izip except that
if a reference (e.g. it) to the stopped iterator is preserved,
it.rest(sentinel) returns an iterator that will continue
to return tuples with sentinel substituted for items from
exhausted sequences, until all sequences are exhausted.
def __init__(self, *seqs):
self.iters = map(iter, seqs)
self.restmode = self.FIRST
def __iter__(self): return self
def next(self):
if not self.iters: raise StopIteration
if self.restmode == self.FIRST:
for i, it in enumerate(self.iters):
return tuple(tup)
except StopIteration:
self.restmode = self.FIRST_STOP # stopped, not rest-restarted
elif self.restmode==self.FIRST_STOP: # normal part exhausted
raise StopIteration
elif self.restmode in (self.FIRST_REST, self.REST):
if self.restmode == self.FIRST_REST:
tup = self.tup # saved
self.restmode = self.REST
for it in self.iters:
try: tup.append(it.next())
except StopIteration: tup.append(self.sentinel)
tup = tuple(tup)
if tup==(self.sentinel,)*len(self.iters):
self.restmode = self.REST_STOP
raise StopIteration
return tuple(tup)
elif self.restmode==self.REST_STOP: # rest part exhausted
raise StopIteration
raise RuntimeError('Bad restmode: %r'%self.restmode)
def rest(self, sentinel=''):
self.sentinel = sentinel
if self.restmode==self.FIRST: # prior to any sequence end
self.restmode = self.REST
return self
for it in self.iters[self.i+1:]:
try: self.tup.append(it.next())
except StopIteration: self.tup.append(sentinel)
self.restmode = self.FIRST_REST
return self
def test():
assert list(izip2())==[]
assert list(izip2().rest(''))==[]
it = izip2('ab', '1')
assert list(it)==[('a', '1')]
assert list(it.rest())==[('b', '')]
it = izip2('a', '12')
assert list(it)==[('a', '1')]
assert list(it.rest())==[('', '2')]
it = izip2('ab', '12')
assert list(it)==[('a', '1'), ('b', '2')]
assert list(it.rest())==[]
it = izip2(xrange(3), (11,22), 'abcd')
assert list(it) == [(0, 11, 'a'), (1, 22, 'b')]
assert list(it.rest(None)) == [(2, None, 'c'), (None, None, 'd')]
print 'test passed'
if __name__ == '__main__': test()
Using this, Antoon's example becomes:
>>> from izip2 import izip2
>>> it = izip2([3,5,8], [11,22])
>>> for t in it: print t
(3, 11)
(5, 22) ...
(8, 'Bye')
Want to make an efficient C version, Raymond? ;-)
Bengt Richter