Jerry Coffin
[ ... ]
In other words, you really DID read the rest, and since it proved you
(badly) wrong, you chose to find any kind of excuse you could to ignore
Your logic is lousy in any case -- even if my doubt was proven wrong, it
means I was _wrong_, not that I'm lying. Looking at Pete's earlier post,
I find that I wasn't wrong either. While Pete posted some numbers and
you might _infer_ from those numbers that he claimed C++ would have a
major speed advantage on an I/O bound application, that's purely an
inference on your part. Pete did not say any such thing.
I'm left wonder if you don't really work on behalf of a C++ compiler
vendor, trying to smear the Java community by associating yourself with
them, and by that association trying to make it look like Java
programmers as a whole are stupid, illogical and dishonest.
This shows that you are either lying or have a bad memory. The last
time I checked the group, many here were claiming that Java IO is much
Have a look at this post by Pete Becker Dinkumware, Ltd.
(http://www.dinkumware.com) posted to this very newsgroup...
What is he trying to prove with these fake benchmarks?
Since you have been proven a liar by claiming no one has ever said IO
is slow in Java, I will ignore the rest of your post without bothering
to read.
In other words, you really DID read the rest, and since it proved you
(badly) wrong, you chose to find any kind of excuse you could to ignore
Your logic is lousy in any case -- even if my doubt was proven wrong, it
means I was _wrong_, not that I'm lying. Looking at Pete's earlier post,
I find that I wasn't wrong either. While Pete posted some numbers and
you might _infer_ from those numbers that he claimed C++ would have a
major speed advantage on an I/O bound application, that's purely an
inference on your part. Pete did not say any such thing.
I'm left wonder if you don't really work on behalf of a C++ compiler
vendor, trying to smear the Java community by associating yourself with
them, and by that association trying to make it look like Java
programmers as a whole are stupid, illogical and dishonest.