Java web application frameworks / architecture



Hi experts:

My company wants me to design and develop a new web application based
on Java and Tomcat.
I am not sure what the currently state of the art is in regards to
web application frameworks.
Please advice.

The application will be based on a MySQL database with approx. 40
tables and approx. 75 use cases (there is actually an application on
PHP which is to be replaced, but the database should stay as is.)

- Authentication and authorization on a detailled level neccessary
- Database access with some kind of ORM
- Webservices (offering and consuming)
- Heavy use of Ajax

Currently I am thinking about Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, Wicket, Grails

Please advice,

Arne Vajhøj

My company wants me to design and develop a new web application based
on Java and Tomcat.
I am not sure what the currently state of the art is in regards to
web application frameworks.
Please advice.

The application will be based on a MySQL database with approx. 40
tables and approx. 75 use cases (there is actually an application on
PHP which is to be replaced, but the database should stay as is.)

- Authentication and authorization on a detailled level neccessary
- Database access with some kind of ORM
- Webservices (offering and consuming)
- Heavy use of Ajax

Currently I am thinking about Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, Wicket, Grails

I would go for JSF, Hibernate, Axis2 and Richfaces. And use container
managed security.


Arved Sandstrom

Lew said:

Also Postgres for the back end.
The OP doesn't have any choice wrt the DB, apparently. However, I agree
with the general choices.

As far as Richfaces goes, I like the set of recommendations that the
author of
has. Richfaces fits in well with those.

Definite two-thumbs up regarding container-managed security. It's not
100% yet for every person's requirements, but I think it best to start
that way, and try to make it work. In the interests of fuller disclosure
the OP ought also to be aware of possibilities like Spring Security
once Acegi. The OP can refer also to



The OP doesn't have any choice wrt the DB, apparently. However, I agree
with the general choices.

As far as Richfaces goes, I like the set of recommendations that the
author of
has. Richfaces fits in well with those.

Definite two-thumbs up regarding container-managed security. It's not
100% yet for every person's requirements, but I think it best to start
that way, and try to make it work. In the interests of fuller disclosure
the OP ought also to be aware of possibilities like Spring Security
once Acegi. The OP can refer also to


Does container managed security mean, that I must use a full blown
J2EE server like JBoss?
I'd rather stick to Tomcat.

And yet another question: Wicket and Grails claim to be so much more
simple than JSF etc. Is that true and
can I achieve the same results with simpler frameworks as with JSF,
Axis and Richfaces?
AFAIK Grails also makes use of Hibernate and Spring.

Thank you for your replies.

Arne Vajhøj

Does container managed security mean, that I must use a full blown
J2EE server like JBoss?
I'd rather stick to Tomcat.

Any compliant web container including Tomcat supports container
managed security.

A full app server has additional security features for EJB etc., but
I assume that you only want the web stuff.
And yet another question: Wicket and Grails claim to be so much more
simple than JSF etc. Is that true and
can I achieve the same results with simpler frameworks as with JSF,
Axis and Richfaces?
AFAIK Grails also makes use of Hibernate and Spring.

Wicket/Stripes/Grails are different from traditional Struts/JSF.

And try with a more simplistic approach.

I think you should try them out and see if they appeal to you.

But JSF would be the mainstream road forward. Mainstream does not
imply better, but it does imply easier to find expertise.


Arne Vajhøj

Lew said:

Also Postgres for the back end.

That is one possibility.

There are plenty of others.

The original poster seems to be using MySQL.

Which with InnoDB tables should work fine from Java as well.



Arne said:
That is one possibility.

There are plenty of others.

The original poster seems to be using MySQL.

Which with InnoDB tables should work fine from Java as well.

For restricted values of "fine".


Hi experts:

My company wants me to design and develop a new web application based
on Java and Tomcat.
I am not sure  what the currently state of the art is in regards to
web application frameworks.
Please advice.

The application will be based on a MySQL database with approx. 40
tables and approx. 75 use cases (there is actually an application on
PHP which is to be replaced, but the database should stay as is.)

- Authentication and authorization on a detailled level neccessary
- Database access with some kind of ORM
- Webservices (offering and consuming)
- Heavy use of Ajax

Currently I am thinking about Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, Wicket, Grails

I would suggest to use framework(s) that you/your developers have
experience on. Using a framework about which you are not aware or
don't have hands on experience, can give you nightmares, if you are
time bound. If you have "time" to experiment with all these
frameworks, I have nothing much to add, you might want to think of
some feature and build a prototype on all the webapp frameworks that
you are thinking of and choose the one that you feel right about.
You might want to take a look at appfuse, which gives several
combination of frameworks for web application development.
I am not really sure if any of the frameworks suggested so far have a
vast "ajax" support, in real life projects you end up writing barebone
javascript to get things done, or at least that has been my experience
with webapp frameworks in Java.

Alessio Stalla

Does container managed security mean, that I must use a full blown
J2EE server like JBoss?
I'd rather stick to Tomcat.

And yet another question: Wicket and Grails claim to be so much more
simple than JSF etc. Is that true and
can I achieve the same results with simpler frameworks as with JSF,
Axis and Richfaces?
AFAIK Grails also makes use of Hibernate and Spring.

Thank you for your replies.

In my own experience JSF is very complex, especially if you start as a
beginner. What I find even now (with approx 1.5 year experience in
JSF) is that a lot of things that you regularly do with simpler
frameworks require complex workarounds, because the JSF lifecycle is
quite limited and not flexible.

Wrt. Hibernate, I think it is a good library; however, starting from a
legacy DB you might have to design your entity classes in an awkward
way to adapt them to the database schema, and if the legacy schema is
sufficiently badly designed (as unfortunately is often the case) you
might be unable to exploit all the Hibernate features and have the bad
design reflected to your entity classes.

Spring is very handy even for simple applications, so I definitely
suggest you use it.

For webservices, I have used JAX-WS which is standard J2SE (client
side) and J2EE (server side), and supposedly is simpler than Axis (but
I never used Axis so I don't have first-hand experience).



Alessio said:
Wrt. Hibernate, I think it is a good library; however, starting from a
legacy DB you might have to design your entity classes in an awkward
way to adapt them to the database schema, and if the legacy schema is
sufficiently badly designed (as unfortunately is often the case) you
might be unable to exploit all the Hibernate features and have the bad
design reflected to your entity classes.

First of all, having a bad database design is a very serious problem
irrespective of whether you use Hibernate or another JPA product (OpenJPA,
TopLink/EclipseLink). In this it is like any bad design in your system - it's
going to hurt you. The pain is not linear with badness of design - it can be
quadratic or geometric. On one project some years ago my team lead forbade me
to normalize a relational database, thus requiring one report to run off of
and filter the unconstrained join between two very large tables. Nothing I
said convinced the team lead to let me normalize. ("I'm not changing the
database at this late date - find another way to optimize the report."
"Optimize". Sheesh.) When the report took days (or longer, who knows?) to
run with production-scale tables they finally normalized, but not until they'd
embarrassed themselves with their client. This was straight JDBC; we had no
3rd-party ORM layer.

Bad design gets reflected in your whole system, not just your entity classes.

That said, your entity classes do not have to match your tables one-to-one.
The idea isn't exactly to match entity classes to tables, it's to match entity
classes to the object model of the application. If you have the luxury to
design the database to support the system, you typically match tables to
entities, but you aren't matching entities to tables.

If the entities and tables do not match, that's where the mapping becomes
tricky but not usually impossible.

The biggest mistake people make with ORM packages is to use them to sustain a
data model in the program. This is ORM abuse. You use them to sustain an
object model in the program, and map it to a data model in the database.

I know from experience in large-scale projects that treating your entity layer
like a data layer can cause huge inefficiencies to emerge. If you use
entities as part of the object model, Hibernate (OpenJPA, TopLink) are usually
pretty good about caching and only hitting the database when they really need to.

Arved Sandstrom

Lew said:
Alessio Stalla wrote:
[ SNIP ]
I know from experience in large-scale projects that treating your entity
layer like a data layer can cause huge inefficiencies to emerge. If you
use entities as part of the object model, Hibernate (OpenJPA, TopLink)
are usually pretty good about caching and only hitting the database when
they really need to.

Although on the subject of caching and other things which are outside
JPA, the usual caveat applies - read the documentation very carefully.
Make sure the documentation is for exactly the software version that you
have. Check with technical forums and blogs. *And* confirm that things
that you expect to work actually do.

As an example, an application that we are currently fixing for a client
uses Toplink Essentials. Although the medium-term plan is to move to
EclipseLink, right now we have to improve things with TLE. We have found
that (and I recognize that many of these are reasonably well-known):

1) JPA javax.persistence.Query setFirstResult() and setMaxResults()
work...sort of. In TLE the full set of results is still returned from
the database, and the Toplink implementation classes underlying
javax.persistence.Query use JDBC methods like absolute() to filter what
they build into the persistence context. So don't necessarily plan on
using these JPA methods for an efficient paging strategy;

2a) Caching does not work on queries. Period. As opposed to EM.find(),
which checks the cache first, in TLE the use of queries (all queries)
will always result in a hit to the database first. There are some
efficiencies insofar as when results come back, if an instance of an
entity is discovered in the cache that will be used instead, as opposed
to being rebuilt, but that's it.

You can get around this to some extent by using the native TLE API, and
obviously if using EclipseLink there are cache hints that allow you to
both cache static queries (same SQL, same bind parameters) and also
returned result sets;

2b) If you _have_ gotten down into Toplink Essentials API land (which is
not unlikely if you are performance tuning), be cognizant of what query
types cooperate with the cache and which do not.

3) Don't forget about database caching (e.g. Oracle RAM data buffers).
As a developer (or even tester) who uses certain known test data, you
may delude yourself into thinking that your DB access code is pretty
zippy. But for a real user whose data is varying, it's not.

4) Lazy fetching: IOW, LAZY fetch _hints_ (and I stress the word hints)
on 1:1 and M:1 relationships. TLE/Toplink/EclipseLink use ASM to modify
the entity class bytecode to enable lazy instantiation of these
relationships. At least with TLE, check your entity classes (if working
in a container) to see if weaving actually kicked in. You may be surprised.

5) Serialization of EntityManager implementation (e.g. for clustering):
for TLE/Toplink 10g, and I think for Toplink 11/EclipseLink also, this
just won't work. Similarly, extended persistence contexts will only work
on the same JVM. The recommended way of implementing EM serialization
using TLE/TL/EL is to write a wrapper that stores necessary entity
information for a persistence context. Hibernate, I believe, does
support serialization because Hibernate Sessions are Serializable, IIRC.

This is just an example of ORM-specific issues. There are many more.

As another example of performance mismatches between your entity layer
and your business logic/user interface, that can be caused by a
simplistic use of JPA (so ORM-agnostic), analyze your queries if you're
using full entities in them. Especially if you're using joins in your
JPQL. If there are no compelling performance reasons to change from full
object notation in your JPQL, leave it alone. Full objects are cleaner.

But occasionally you'll find that a full object JPQL query is generating
dozens or hundreds (or worse) SELECT statements where strictly speaking
you ought to be able to get all your data with *one*. This may well be
the result of entity relationships that you cannot lightly change, and
it can happen even without joins. If the performance hit is significant,
one can always consider JPQL constructor expressions. These are brutally
effective and do give you a sensible Java business object - not just a
row wrapper - to use. You also avoid using native SQL.


Arne Vajhøj

Lew said:
For restricted values of "fine".

Maybe restricted to web sites smaller than FaceBook and Wikipedia ...

But give that PostgreSQL does not run any sites of the size
that MySQL does then it will not be the replacement.



It doesn't or couldn't? From what I heard, PostgeSQL can hold up with
the big ones. Any source to say different?

Maybe he meant it the other way - PG doesn't run any sites that small.


Arne Vajhøj

Sabine said:
It doesn't or couldn't?

It doesn't.
> From what I heard, PostgeSQL can hold up with
> the big ones. Any source to say different?

Not any technical source.

Just the market.

I am not aware of any really big PostgreSQL installations.

It can be because all their CIO's are unaware of how good
PostgreSQL is or it can be because PostgreSQL is not a good
pick for the task.

I consider the last a lot more likely than the first.


Arne Vajhøj

Stefan said:
There are many others who didn't publish a case report on that page.
Skype is using PostgreSQL, for example.


So there are big users of PostgreSQL.


Arne Vajhøj

Kenneth said:
I think that in the past there was a trade off between the performance of
MySQL and the better SQL support of PostgreSQL. The big sites chose
performance for obvious reasons. As I understand (and I don't know if it
is true or even supportable) the performance of PostgresSQL has improved
in recent years and the tradeoff no longer exists. PostgresSQL is just
as fast and has better support of SQL (subqueries and real

My information may be out of date already, and I don't have any
references for it, so take it for what it is.

MySQL has supported transactions since longer back than I can remember
(using InnoDB tables).

MySQL has supported subqueries since 4.1 released in 2004.


Arne Vajhøj

Kenneth said:
As I understand the support isn't as complete or bullet proof as in

I'm not really the person to be putting down MySQL though. I just don't
know enough about the topic to have an educated debate on it. I'm just
repeating what I heard for comment.

I am not aware of any particular shortcomings in these areas.

If I were to argue for PostgreSQL, then I would go in other



Sabine said:
Yeah. And that's from where I got the impression that MySQL is not the
best open-source choice out there, in many cases.

My biggest complaint with MySQL is its flouting of SQL standards. It doesn't
support SQL TIMESTAMP, for example - it has no datetime type with subsecond

While InnoDB does support foreign keys, you have to remember to use it. I was
on a project where the developers mandated InnoDB but the ops guy mounted the
production database as MyISAM. Oops.

I also don't like the confusing license scheme.

Postgres scales better for large data stores, from what I've read.

I've a colleague who discovered through experiment that a well-tuned PG
installation outperformed well-tuned Oracle in one real-world application with
big-data requirements. Sure, it's a single data point, but telling,
especially in light of what I've read.

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