

Jamey Cribbs

Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

What if you were to store an array of keys in the
'relationshipkey' field that specifies the relationships(separate
from the primary key). Then your one to many relationship could
actually be a one to one from an element in the array to the child in
the other table.


I did think of something like this, but it just seemed too hairy,
too daunting. I didn't even mention it to Jamey. KB has no way to
store an array field as such in the first place, nor do I know how
you'd really implement it.
I thought about this, too, when I started thinking about how to
implement one-to-many links. The problem with this approach is that
what happens, for example, if one of the child records is deleted. Now,
KirbyBase has to go through every parent record, check to see if it's
array holds that deleted child records key, and then delete key from
the array. Feels a little kludgy.

It also doesn't solve the main problem that Hal has with one-to-many
links, the fact that they are really only good for #selects, not
#inserts, or #updates.

As far as the way the KirbyBase beta implements the mechanics of
one-to-many links, IMO I think it is a pretty sound implementation (of
course, I'm a little biased). I think what is up in the air now is, how
much farther do we push one-to-many links (and possibley other special
types). Do we leave them the way they work now, which, to me is pretty
similar to how a traditional RDBMS would work, or, do we work to make
them truly "object symetrical" (how's that for making up a non-sensical
term) so that, no matter how you push/pull/bend/stretch the one-to-many
link "thing", KirbyBase does the right thing. Kind of like Silly Putty;
you can stretch it out and plaster it all over the Sunday Comics and it
still fits back inside it's egg. :)


Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution of this email and any materials contained in any attachments is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by email and destroy all copies of the original message, including attachments.

Logan Capaldo

Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

What if you were to store an array of keys in the
'relationshipkey' field that specifies the relationships(separate
from the primary key). Then your one to many relationship could
actually be a one to one from an element in the array to the
child in
the other table.


I did think of something like this, but it just seemed too hairy,
too daunting. I didn't even mention it to Jamey. KB has no way to
store an array field as such in the first place, nor do I know how
you'd really implement it.
I thought about this, too, when I started thinking about how to
implement one-to-many links. The problem with this approach is
that what happens, for example, if one of the child records is
deleted. Now, KirbyBase has to go through every parent record,
check to see if it's array holds that deleted child records key,
and then delete key from the array. Feels a little kludgy.

It also doesn't solve the main problem that Hal has with one-to-
many links, the fact that they are really only good for #selects,
not #inserts, or #updates.

As far as the way the KirbyBase beta implements the mechanics of
one-to-many links, IMO I think it is a pretty sound implementation
(of course, I'm a little biased). I think what is up in the air
now is, how much farther do we push one-to-many links (and
possibley other special types). Do we leave them the way they work
now, which, to me is pretty similar to how a traditional RDBMS
would work, or, do we work to make them truly "object
symetrical" (how's that for making up a non-sensical term) so that,
no matter how you push/pull/bend/stretch the one-to-many link
"thing", KirbyBase does the right thing. Kind of like Silly Putty;
you can stretch it out and plaster it all over the Sunday Comics
and it still fits back inside it's egg. :)


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attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and
may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are
not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution
of this email and any materials contained in any attachments is
prohibited. If you receive this message in error, or are not the
intended recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by
email and destroy all copies of the original message, including

The more I read this thread the more the temptation to try my hand at
making an ORM system for KirbyBase grows. I think I'll do some work
on it today.

Logan Capaldo

Well after hacking away today for a couple of hours I've come up with
the beginnings of a rudimentary ORM for KirbyBase. I'll post what I
have so far, and people can let me know if they are interested in a
more complete version. It currently looks a lot like ActiveRecord,
but obviously not as powerful. First it doesn't do ActiveRecords
pluralization magic, although that should be easy to add. Secondly it
doesn't have as many variations of find (but that's mitigated by
KirbyBases's use of ruby syntax to perform selections). I've only
implemented one kind of relationship (one-to-many, or is it many-to-
one, some db guy can correct me on my terminology) using a
ActiveRecord-esque has_many method. Some other problems include that
it doesn't yet do ruby-esque getters and setters (ie. obj.something,
and obj.something = value) instead it has get_something and
set_something methods. I did this since I was just hacking away its
easily remedied if anyone shows any interest in my continuing this.
One other thing, it does not make use of KirbyBase's Link type yet,
although if it did, it would probably be better. Again something to
add if anyone really wants to use this. I learned a couple of things
developing this, mostly that @@variables are evil, and that class
instance vars are better. Without further ado here is the code. Its
followed by some examples:

$ cat kirbyrecord.rb
require 'kirbybase'
module KirbyRecord
class Base

def self.open_database( *kirby_base_new_args )
@@db = *kirby_base_new_args )

def self.get_database

def initialize
@state = {}

def self.inherited(subclass)
subclass.class_eval do
subclass.fields.each do |name, type|
{name}".intern) do

{name}".intern) do |value|
@state[name] = case

when :String


when :Integer


when :Float


when :Boolean

if value then true else false end

when :Date


when :DateTime


def self.inform_about_table
table = get_database.get_table(table_name)
@fields = {} table.field_types ) do |
field_name, field_type|
@fields[field_name] = field_type

def self.find(card)
db = get_database
tbl = db.get_table(table_name)
results = if block_given? then { |r| yield
(r) } else end
obj_results = []
if card == :all
results.each do |res|
obj =
self.fields.each do |field, type|
obj.instance_eval { @state
[field] = res.send(field) }
obj_results << obj
return obj_results
elsif card == :first
obj =
res = results.first
self.fields.each do |field, type|
obj.instance_eval { @state[field] =
res.send(field) }
return obj

def self.table_name

def self.fields

def self.has_many(table_sym)
class_eval do
define_method("get_#{table_sym}".intern) do
table_class_name =
rel_table_class = Object.const_get
results = rel_table_class.find:)all)
{ |r| r.send("#{self.class.table_name}_id") == @state[:recno] }

def new_record?

def save
db = self.class.get_database( )
tbl = db.get_table(self.class.table_name.intern)
data = @state.dup

if new_record?
@state[:recno] = tbl.insert(data)
tbl.update(data) { |r| r.recno == @state
[:recno] }


% cat setup_example_db.rb
require 'kirbybase'
db =

author_tbl = db.create_table:)author, :name, :String)
book_tbl = db.create_table:)book, :title, :String, :author_id, :Integer)

rn = author_tbl.insert:)name => "John Doe")
book_tbl.insert:)title => "Ruby for Dummies", :author_id => rn)
book_tbl.insert:)title => "ORM for REAL Dummies", :author_id => rn)

% ruby setup_example_db.rb

% cat has_many_example.rb
require 'kirbyrecord'

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

class Author < KirbyRecord::Base
has_many :book

class Book < KirbyRecord::Base

john_doe = Author.find:)first) { |r| =~ /John Doe/ }
john_doe.get_book.each do |book|
puts "#{john_doe.get_name} wrote #{book.get_title}"

% ruby has_many_example.rb
John Doe wrote Ruby for Dummies
John Doe wrote ORM for REAL Dummies

And so on.

Other neat things

% cat setup_db.rb
require 'kirbybase'
db =

person_tbl = db.create_table:)person, :name, :String, :age, :Integer)

% ruby setup_db.rb

% cat person_ex.rb
require 'kirbyrecord'

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

class Person < KirbyRecord::Base

person1 =
person1.set_name "John Doe"
person1.set_age 25

person2 =
person2.set_name "Jane Doe"
person2.set_age 23

people = Person.find:)all)

people.each do |person|
puts "name: #{person.get_name}, age: #{person.get_age}"
person.set_name( person.get_name + " Smith" )

people = Person.find:)all)

puts "After updates:"
people.each do |person|
puts "name: #{person.get_name}, age: #{person.get_age}"

% ruby person_ex.rb
name: John Doe, age: 25
name: Jane Doe, age: 23
After updates:
name: John Doe Smith, age: 25
name: Jane Doe Smith, age: 23

Other than that the only thing to mention is that
KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( ) takes the same arguments as and that you should call it before inheriting from
KirbyRecord::Base (incidently anyone have any ideas on how to avoid
having to do this?). Also KirbyRecord::Base#find can take a block
just like KBTable#select. There are probably lots and lots of bugs.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz

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Well after hacking away today for a couple of hours I've come up
with the beginnings of a rudimentary ORM for KirbyBase. I'll post
what I have so far, and people can let me know if they are
interested in a more complete version. It currently looks a lot
like ActiveRecord, but obviously not as powerful. First it doesn't
do ActiveRecords pluralization magic, although that should be easy
to add. Secondly it doesn't have as many variations of find (but
that's mitigated by KirbyBases's use of ruby syntax to perform
selections). I've only implemented one kind of relationship (one-to-
many, or is it many-to-one, some db guy can correct me on my
terminology) using a ActiveRecord-esque has_many method. Some other
problems include that it doesn't yet do ruby-esque getters and
setters (ie. obj.something, and obj.something = value) instead it
has get_something and set_something methods. I did this since I was
just hacking away its easily remedied if anyone shows any interest
in my continuing this. One other thing, it does not make use of
KirbyBase's Link type yet, although if it did, it would probably be
better. Again something to add if anyone really wants to use this.
I learned a couple of things developing this, mostly that
@@variables are evil, and that class instance vars are better.
Without further ado here is the code. Its followed by some examples:
<snip great stuff>

I for one think this is pretty sweet. I'm going to play with it
and give you some feedback. I think this would definitely be a worthy
project to flesh out more.

-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper
(e-mail address removed)


Hal Fulton

Logan said:
Well after hacking away today for a couple of hours I've come up with
the beginnings of a rudimentary ORM for KirbyBase. I'll post what I
have so far, and people can let me know if they are interested in a
more complete version.

So far I'm interested.
It currently looks a lot like ActiveRecord, but
obviously not as powerful. First it doesn't do ActiveRecords
pluralization magic, although that should be easy to add.

I'm not sure if it's really necessary.
Some other problems include that it
doesn't yet do ruby-esque getters and setters (ie. obj.something, and
obj.something = value) instead it has get_something and set_something
methods. I did this since I was just hacking away its easily remedied
if anyone shows any interest in my continuing this.

Seems interesting to me. Should be very little change in code.
One other thing, it
does not make use of KirbyBase's Link type yet, although if it did, it
would probably be better. Again something to add if anyone really wants
to use this.

Makes sense. Jamey may change the Link stuff though of course.
KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

class Author < KirbyRecord::Base
has_many :book

class Book < KirbyRecord::Base

Hmmmm. Having to inherit *after* the open_database
just Feels Wrong somehow. Would it work the same if you
just did the open_database before any db operations?

In fact, I'm not sure I'd do inheritance at all. I'd have
to think about it.

Why do Book and Author have to have an is-a relationship
with KirbyRecord::Base? So you can do Author.find() and
so on?

BTW, I think to_sym is preferred over intern lately.
class Person < KirbyRecord::Base

person1 =
person1.set_name "John Doe"
person1.set_age 25

OK, I'm catching on to the reason for the inheritance. Is there
any reason a module wouldn't suffice? I'm not sure it matters
either way, but I tend to include modules more than I actually

So far I like the general idea.

Now, some questions:

1. Can KR handle the idea of a (default?) key field for a table?
Could it maybe relieve KB of worrying about that?

2. How do you conceive of handling nested objects of the kind I've
mentioned in this thread?

3. Here's possibly a tough one. I've always wanted an "OpenTable"
in KB -- a table where each row is in essence an OpenStruct -- i.e.,
the fields in each row/object may vary. This is a little tough to
implement in KB -- I had an idea for it but there might be reasons
it wouldn't work. Might it be possible to do this at the KR level


Jamey Cribbs

Logan said:
Well after hacking away today for a couple of hours I've come up with
the beginnings of a rudimentary ORM for KirbyBase. I'll post what I
have so far, and people can let me know if

That was fast! :)
they are interested in a more complete version. It currently looks a
lot like ActiveRecord, but obviously not as powerful. First it
doesn't do ActiveRecords pluralization magic, although that should be
easy to add. Secondly it doesn't have as many variations of find (but
that's mitigated by KirbyBases's use of ruby syntax to perform
selections). I've only implemented one kind of relationship
(one-to-many, or is it many-to- one, some db guy can correct me on my
terminology) using a ActiveRecord-esque has_many method. Some other
problems include that it doesn't yet do ruby-esque getters and
setters (ie. obj.something, and obj.something = value) instead it has
get_something and set_something methods. I did this since I was just
hacking away its easily remedied if anyone shows any interest in my
continuing this. One other thing, it does not make use of KirbyBase's
Link type yet, although if it did, it would probably be better. Again
something to add if anyone really wants to use this. I learned a
couple of things developing this, mostly that @@variables are evil,
and that class instance vars are better. Without further ado here is
the code. Its followed by some examples:

% cat setup_example_db.rb
require 'kirbybase'
db =

author_tbl = db.create_table:)author, :name, :String)
book_tbl = db.create_table:)book, :title, :String, :author_id, :Integer)

rn = author_tbl.insert:)name => "John Doe")
book_tbl.insert:)title => "Ruby for Dummies", :author_id => rn)
book_tbl.insert:)title => "ORM for REAL Dummies", :author_id => rn)

% ruby setup_example_db.rb

% cat has_many_example.rb
require 'kirbyrecord'

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

class Author < KirbyRecord::Base
has_many :book

class Book < KirbyRecord::Base

john_doe = Author.find:)first) { |r| =~ /John Doe/ }
john_doe.get_book.each do |book|
puts "#{john_doe.get_name} wrote #{book.get_title}"

% ruby has_many_example.rb
John Doe wrote Ruby for Dummies
John Doe wrote ORM for REAL Dummies

And so on.
Very cool! I don't know much about ActiveRecord (looks like I have some
reading to do), but I like this. Just as a comparison, here's the way I
would rewrite the has_many example using KirbyBase's new Link_many feature:

author_tbl = db.create_table:)author, :name, :String,
:books, { :DataType => KBResultSet, :Link_many => [:recno, :book,
:author_id] })
book_tbl = db.create_table:)book, :title, :String, :author_id, :Integer)

rn = author_tbl.insert:)name => "John Doe")
book_tbl.insert:)title => "Ruby for Dummies", :author_id => rn)
book_tbl.insert:)title => "ORM for REAL Dummies", :author_id => rn)

john_doe = { |r| =~ /John Doe/ }.first
john_doe.books.each do |book|
puts "#{} wrote #{book.title}"
Other neat things

% cat setup_db.rb
require 'kirbybase'
db =

person_tbl = db.create_table:)person, :name, :String, :age, :Integer)

% ruby setup_db.rb

% cat person_ex.rb
require 'kirbyrecord'

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

class Person < KirbyRecord::Base

person1 =
person1.set_name "John Doe"
person1.set_age 25
That's very cool!
Other than that the only thing to mention is that
KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( ) takes the same arguments as and that you should call it before inheriting from
KirbyRecord::Base (incidently anyone have any ideas on how to avoid
having to do this?). Also KirbyRecord::Base#find can take a block
just like KBTable#select. There are probably lots and lots of bugs.

Very nice work.


Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution of this email and any materials contained in any attachments is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, or are not the intended recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by email and destroy all copies of the original message, including attachments.

Dimitri Aivaliotis

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Logan Capaldo wrote:
Before you go too far with this, you might want to check out Og's KirbyBase=
adapter. I've haven't delved too much into it, but it might be just what=20
you're looking for. I realize that Og is a completely different way of=20
looking at the Object-Database connection than ActiveRecord, but it may be=
worth your while.

There's major work being done on Og at the moment, so you may want to also=
check out the patches that Ysabel has prepared: 'darcs get=20'.


- Dimitri


Logan Capaldo

Before you go too far with this, you might want to check out Og's
adapter. I've haven't delved too much into it, but it might be just
you're looking for. I realize that Og is a completely different way of
looking at the Object-Database connection than ActiveRecord, but it
may be
worth your while.

There's major work being done on Og at the moment, so you may want
to also
check out the patches that Ysabel has prepared: 'darcs get'.


- Dimitri

Well don't I feel silly. *goes over to check out Og*

Logan Capaldo

So far I'm interested.

I'm not sure if it's really necessary.

Seems interesting to me. Should be very little change in code.

Makes sense. Jamey may change the Link stuff though of course.

Hmmmm. Having to inherit *after* the open_database
just Feels Wrong somehow. Would it work the same if you
just did the open_database before any db operations?

I agree. I wish it was smarter. Originally I had it learn the
database on initialization, but that precludes the use of .find, and
would have each new instance hit the db (OTOH maybe I could have it
do the reflection on the first call of find OR the first
instantiation and store the results in the class. Hmmm.... I think I
migth do that the next time I hack on this). Would it be acceptable
to do something like

class Author < KirbyRecord::Base

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )


Of course thats ugly for its own reasons
In fact, I'm not sure I'd do inheritance at all. I'd have
to think about it.

Why do Book and Author have to have an is-a relationship
with KirbyRecord::Base? So you can do Author.find() and
so on?

Well there's basically 2 reasons for inheritance here. 1) I'm doing
an ActiveRecord work-alike and I've never written an ORM before, so
when in doubt its been steal the ActiveRecord way of doing things and
2) It does make sense if instead of thinking of Author as an author
object that persists to a db, you rather think of it as a Row object.
class << Author is kind of the table and an instance of Author is a
row in the author table. KirbyRecord::Base should maybe be called
BTW, I think to_sym is preferred over intern lately.

Sorry, I've been reading Lisp books lately. ;)
OK, I'm catching on to the reason for the inheritance. Is there
any reason a module wouldn't suffice? I'm not sure it matters
either way, but I tend to include modules more than I actually

This shouldn't be too hard, but it would be a slightly different design.
So far I like the general idea.

Now, some questions:

1. Can KR handle the idea of a (default?) key field for a table?
Could it maybe relieve KB of worrying about that?

It could be added, yes, but currently KR builds itself from the
existing db, not the other way around. It would probably be something

class Author < KirbyRecord::Base
set_default_for_cols :published => true
2. How do you conceive of handling nested objects of the kind I've
mentioned in this thread?

Well I had a couple of ideas.
1) have a corresponding add_book method for things like get_book
(using the Author example)


2) have get_book not return an Array but some other enumerable object
with an overloaded <<, append, etc. that would do roughly

def <<(book_obj)
book_ob.set_author_id <my owning author's recno>
3. Here's possibly a tough one. I've always wanted an "OpenTable"
in KB -- a table where each row is in essence an OpenStruct -- i.e.,
the fields in each row/object may vary. This is a little tough to
implement in KB -- I had an idea for it but there might be reasons
it wouldn't work. Might it be possible to do this at the KR level

If KirbyRecord is to become purely an ORM, no I don't think so. If
it's going to be a set of abstractions over KirbyBase I could see a
way to sort of do an open table. Something along the lines of (in
pseudo-kb DDL)

table open_struct_obj

table open_struct_field_something
something OfSomeType

(I believe this is called a star pattern or design)

For every field you wanted you would add another table. I could see
some sort of conveince class / module what have you to ease the
creation of setups like this.

Logan Capaldo

Before you go too far with this, you might want to check out Og's
adapter. I've haven't delved too much into it, but it might be just
you're looking for. I realize that Og is a completely different way of
looking at the Object-Database connection than ActiveRecord, but it
may be
worth your while.

There's major work being done on Og at the moment, so you may want
to also
check out the patches that Ysabel has prepared: 'darcs get'.


- Dimitri

Well after now having looked through some Og examples (didn't get
around to looking at any of the code don't have darcs installed, will
probably do that at some point), I see that a) its very cool b) it
is indeed completely different than AR and c) Its probably exactly
what Hal wants. Oh
and d) I still think I'll continue working on KirbyRecord for now,
cause there are bound to be people out there who would like an AR
style ORM for KirbyBase. Right? Hello? *cricket cricket cricket*.
Joking ;)

Dimitri Aivaliotis

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Well after now having looked through some Og examples (didn't get
around to looking at any of the code don't have darcs installed, will
probably do that at some point),

You only need darcs if you wanted to check out Ysabel's patches. The main O=
code can be installed as a gem: 'gem install og' or you can get it from=20
Nitro's Rubyforge page:
I see that a) its very cool b) it
is indeed completely different than AR and c) Its probably exactly
what Hal wants. Oh
and d) I still think I'll continue working on KirbyRecord for now,
cause there are bound to be people out there who would like an AR
style ORM for KirbyBase.=20

Go for it! The more solutions the better.=20

- Dimitri


George Moschovitis

Well after now having looked through some Og examples (didn't get
around to looking at any of the code don't have darcs installed, will
probably do that at some point), I see that a) its very cool b) it
is indeed completely different than AR and c) Its probably exactly
what Hal wants. Oh
and d) I still think I'll continue working on KirbyRecord for now,
cause there are bound to be people out there who would like an AR
style ORM for KirbyBase. Right? Hello? *cricket cricket cricket*.
Joking ;)

I am glad you like Og. But if you would like to work on a kirbybase adapter
you really need to download ysabel patches. They will be integrated in
the main source tree very soon.

BTW, I hope you are not reading the examples from the old tutorial. A
ton of new features have been implemented since, I would suggest that
you take a look at the test cases, or the RELEASES file for more



Logan Capaldo

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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Hmmmm. Having to inherit *after* the open_database
just Feels Wrong somehow. Would it work the same if you
just did the open_database before any db operations?

In fact, I'm not sure I'd do inheritance at all. I'd have
to think about it.

Why do Book and Author have to have an is-a relationship
with KirbyRecord::Base? So you can do Author.find() and
so on?

BTW, I think to_sym is preferred over intern lately.

OK, I'm catching on to the reason for the inheritance. Is there
any reason a module wouldn't suffice? I'm not sure it matters
either way, but I tend to include modules more than I actually

So far I like the general idea.

Ok I'm including a patch that lets you connect after the inherit.


class Author < KirbyRecord::Base

KirbyRecord::Base.open_database( )

authors =3D Author.find:)all)

author =3D # will also cause the reflection and =20
modifications to the Author class to occurr

This patch also incidently removes the reliance on the inherited =20
hook, so it would be enitrely possible to make this a module. I'm =20
still mulling that over, and I want to hear some more thoughts on the =20=

subject before I decide.


Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

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<HTML><BODY style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; =
-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; "><BR><DIV><DIV>On Sep 14, 2005, =
at 1:50 AM, Hal Fulton wrote:</DIV><BR =
class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><BLOCKQUOTE type=3D"cite"><P =
style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" =
size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">Hmmmm. Having to inherit =
*after* the open_database</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">just Feels Wrong somehow. Would it work the same if =
you</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">just did =
the open_database before any db operations?</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin:=
0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: =
14.0px"><BR></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">In fact, =
I'm not sure I'd do inheritance at all. I'd have</FONT></P> <P =
style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" =
size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">to think about =
it.</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px =
Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px"><BR></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">Why do Book and Author have to have an is-a =
relationship</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">with KirbyRecord::Base? So you can do Author.find() =
and</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">so =
on?</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px =
Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px"><BR></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">BTW, I think to_sym is preferred over intern =
lately.</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: =
12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px"><BR></P> <BR><BLOCKQUOTE =
type=3D"cite"><P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">class =
Person &lt; KirbyRecord::Base</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px 10.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">end</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px =
10.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">person1 =3D</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px =
0.0px 0.0px 10.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: =
12.0px Helvetica">person1.set_name "John Doe"</FONT></P> <P =
style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" =
size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">person1.set_age =
25</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 10.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica"></FONT></P> <BR></BLOCKQUOTE><P style=3D"margin: =
0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: =
14.0px"><BR></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">OK, I'm =
catching on to the reason for the inheritance. Is there</FONT></P> <P =
style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" =
size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">any reason a module wouldn't =
suffice? I'm not sure it matters</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px =
0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: =
12.0px Helvetica">either way, but I tend to include modules more than I =
actually</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT =
face=3D"Helvetica" size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px =
Helvetica">inherit.</FONT></P> <P style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px =
0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; min-height: 14.0px"><BR></P> <P =
style=3D"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px"><FONT face=3D"Helvetica" =
size=3D"3" style=3D"font: 12.0px Helvetica">So far I like the general =
idea.</FONT></P> <BR =
class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR><DIV>Ok I'm =
including a patch that lets you connect after the inherit.</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>eg.</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>class Author &lt; =
KirbyRecord::Base</DIV><DIV>end</DIV><DIV><BR =
se( )</DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>authors =
=3D Author.find:)all)</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>author =3D # =
will also cause the reflection and modifications to the Author class to =
occurr</DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>=A0This patch also =
incidently removes the reliance on the inherited hook, so it would be =
enitrely possible to make this a module. I'm still mulling that over, =
and I want to hear some more thoughts on the subject before I =
decide.</DIV><DIV><BR =

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--- kirbyrecord.rb.0 2005-09-13 22:25:40.000000000 -0400
+++ kirbyrecord.rb 2005-09-14 11:27:01.000000000 -0400
@@ -11,47 +11,49 @@

def initialize
+ self.class.inform_about_table
@state = {}

- def self.inherited(subclass)
- subclass.inform_about_table
- subclass.class_eval do
- subclass.fields.each do |name, type|
- define_method("get_#{name}".intern) do
- @state[name]
- end
- define_method("set_#{name}".intern) do |value|
- @state[name] = case type
- when :String
- value.to_s
- when :Integer
- value.to_i
- when :Float
- value.to_f
- when :Boolean
- if value then true else false end
- when :Date
- value
- when :DateTime
- value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end

- def self.inform_about_table
+ def self.inform_about_table(force = false)
+ unless force
+ return self if @fields
+ end
table = get_database.get_table(table_name)
@fields = {} table.field_types ) do |field_name, field_type|
@fields[field_name] = field_type
+ class_eval do
+ fields.each do |name, type|
+ define_method("get_#{name}".intern) do
+ @state[name]
+ end
+ define_method("set_#{name}".intern) do |value|
+ @state[name] = case type
+ when :String
+ value.to_s
+ when :Integer
+ value.to_i
+ when :Float
+ value.to_f
+ when :Boolean
+ if value then true else false end
+ when :Date
+ value
+ when :DateTime
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end

def self.find(card)
+ inform_about_table
db = get_database
tbl = db.get_table(table_name)
results = if block_given? then { |r| yield(r) } else end

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<HTML><BODY style="word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; -khtml-line-break: after-white-space; "><DIV><SPAN></SPAN></DIV></BODY></HTML>


Logan Capaldo

I am glad you like Og. But if you would like to work on a kirbybase
you really need to download ysabel patches. They will be integrated in
the main source tree very soon.

BTW, I hope you are not reading the examples from the old tutorial. A
ton of new features have been implemented since, I would suggest that
you take a look at the test cases, or the RELEASES file for more


I will take a look at those when I get a chance

Ezra Zygmuntowicz

You only need darcs if you wanted to check out Ysabel's patches.
The main Og
code can be installed as a gem: 'gem install og' or you can get it
Nitro's Rubyforge page:

Go for it! The more solutions the better.

- Dimitri

Here Here! I think KirbyRecord would be great to use in scripts and
maybe even in small rails projects. Seeing as how its pure ruby it
would make for very easy installation and usage.

Keep it up!
-Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Yakima Herald-Republic
(e-mail address removed)

Hal Fulton

Dimitri said:
You only need darcs if you wanted to check out Ysabel's patches. The main Og
code can be installed as a gem: 'gem install og' or you can get it from
Nitro's Rubyforge page:

I will look at this further later... right now I'm swamped.

I don't have darcs and have never even heard of it. :)
Go for it! The more solutions the better.

Og does look really cool. I glanced at some stuff on Rubygarden
that is probably out of date.

Do you still pass in a SQL-like string to the #select method? That
begs for code blocks IMO.

What are some recent changes in Og? Are they doc'd online? And
what is the state of the KB adapter?


Dimitri Aivaliotis

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I will look at this further later... right now I'm swamped.

I understand - me, too. :)=20

I don't have darcs and have never even heard of it. :)

Darcs is a revision control system. It's based on patches, kind of similar=
to Arch, although there are some major differences. Check out=20
Og does look really cool. I glanced at some stuff on Rubygarden
that is probably out of date.
Do you still pass in a SQL-like string to the #select method? That
begs for code blocks IMO.
What are some recent changes in Og? Are they doc'd online? And
what is the state of the KB adapter?

Ysabel can probably answer these questions better herself.
- Dimitri


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