jmf> Would rather he do like Italy? They are letting them go.
jmf> Then these released people go blow up something else. [...]
bm> Why are those the only two choices? Do you think people turn
bm> into bomb-wielding terrorists by feat of mere suspicion?
jmf> Oh, sigh! [emoticon begins to hit head against wall because
jmf> it feels better]
I didn't mean to upset you. But sigh indeed. Offtopic in all groups
too. Maybe we should get jailed? Who knows _what else_ we might be
up to? Can't be too cautious these days. What color was that alert
now? Better call the authorities.
bm> I don't think the US abuses the 'enemy combatant' device as
bm> much as we fear, yet.
jmf> Hint..the US isn't abusing enemy combatants.
Um, I said 'the enemy combatant device' not the people themselves.
There's no doubt that the people themselves are being abused. That's
the whole point of a separate status, no? I thought the 'enemy
combatant' designation was devised to go around both the US law, and
the Geneva Convention pertaining to POWs. As for the _US_ doing it,
yes you are correct, the nation itself isn't doing it. Indeed the
whole reason for the invention of this odd locution was the thought
that the nation would have expected its gov't to at least appear
to stay within certain boundaries. Maybe they needen't have bothered?
>> ... But if the people in the US are convinced that the choice
>> is between getting blown up and secret detentions w/o judicial
>> oversight then it will get far worse than we fear. [...]
Responding in "hints" and ALL CAPS brings us to the ludicrous situation
where a Turk gets to give a pointer to the ACLU to an American:
jmf> Now there you actually made a point, but not the one you
jmf> think you did.
Let's hear it.
jmf> Too many people coming in. As long as you don't stand up and
jmf> shout bomb or make a fool of yourself going through customs
jmf> and fill out the paperwork without trying to be a smartass, I
jmf> don't see people who are already overworked and stretched
jmf> thin bothering with you.
jmf> I don't know. I had understood that, if you didn't get
jmf> through customs, you were put back on a plane out of the
jmf> country.
jmf> Yes. Lots of people.
jmf> If you are a terrorist with the intent to wreak death and
jmf> destruction in this country, I sure as hell hope somebody
jmf> doesn't let you in.
jmf> /BAH
jmf> Subtract a hundred and four for e-mail.