Keith Thompson
The same, but with an open mind, rather than anally clutching to the
strict wording which, quite often, fails to reflect the actual intent of
the authors.
Perhaps you can provide some evidence that the actual intent of the
authors is consistent with your interpretation. I don't believe it
If expecting <time.h> to provide the specification of a package, rather
than the descriptions of a bunch of *unrelated* functions is wishful
thinking, then you're right, of course.
I don't particularly expect <time.h> to provide the specification of a
"package". I don't know why you do. I understand that you wish it
did; so do I (see "wishful thinking", above) (I'm not 100% sure what
you mean by the word "package" anyway.)
Nor do I expect <stdlib.h> to provide the specification of a "package".
The only *sensible* requirement about the size of the asctime output is
that it accomodates the largest year supported by the <time.h>
implementation, usually the largest year representable by time_t.
What a pity that the standard doesn't actually say that. In fact what
the standard actually *does* say directly contradicts your
And I know this won't do any good, but take your personal abuse
("reading impaired" et al) and shove it.