Alex Martelli
Stephen Thorne said:One thing my company has done is written a ``safe_eval()`` that uses
a regex to disable double-underscore access.
Alex> will the regex catch getattr(object,
Alex> 'subclasses'.join(['_'*2]*2)...?-)
Now he has two problems. ;-)
I nearly asked that question, then I realised that 'getattr' is quite
easy to remove from the global namespace for the code in question, and
assumed that they had already thought of that.
OK then -- vars(type(object)) is a dict which has [[the unbound-method
equivalent of]] object.__subclasses__ at its entry for key
'__subclasses__'. Scratch 'vars' in addition to 'getattr'. And 'eval'
of course, or else building up the string 'object.__subclasses__' (in a
way the regex won't catch) then eval'ing it is easy. I dunno, maybe I'm
just being pessimistic, I guess...