Neredbojias said:
Ah, yes, flash. I don't usually have flash enabled (that flashblock thing is
Wonderful). I'll just turn on the flash <clickety>.
Ah, yes, I remember why I installed flashblock in the first place. I have a
long history here of downcrying such continuously moving stuff. It IMHO
totally distracts from any other content that may be on the page. Just look
at [anything].cn for an example. If a client requests flash I refer said
client to somebody else. This is probably why I missed the post you mention,
the word "flash" in a subject line is an automatic filter to me. I didn't
even look at the post.
Remember me ranting a couple or five years ago about moving stuff and
When we were all living in the jungle using brucies pointy stick to write
HTML anything moving in the surrounding area simply *had* to be be looked
at. It just might have been a tiger out lurking for its dinner. This inbuilt
propensity for looking at moving stuff still holds. Consider a bus, you
*always* look at one if it is moving near to you. Walk into a quiet
corporate office and pitch a tennis ball around the walls. Everybody that
has line of sight to that tennis ball *will* look at it, even if they are
currently listening carefully the profound advice being given out by the
If you are looking at the moving stuff then you are not looking at the
Unfortunately Adrienne's flash is so overpowering that I had to re-block the
flash just so I could type this post, even though the browsers window is two
screens that way ---> , our inbuilt reflex to look at stuff works even
better when said stuff is in the corner of ones eye. This is why I have the
TV currently replaying the Indian Wells semifinals *behind* me. I look at it
*if I wish*, not *when I must*.
Now, if the flash were to move just once and then say politely still...
Other than that, yes, the new page is quite a good one. Much cleaner that
what it looks like it is replacing.