Link Within a Page


Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Adrienne Boswell
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Neil Gould"
<[email protected]> writing in news:j018p5$aj1$1

I think what Denis what talking about is the use of iframes instead of
includes, which is, IMHO, screwy.

And I should have read further into the thread before I hit enter.

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed mjones
Hi All,

I've been using this method for years, but noticed today that it works
in IE, but not in FireFox 5.0. I can imaging that an automatic
FireFox update caused the problem.

Does anyone know how to make it work in FireFox?

<A HREF="#jump">Link</A>
<A NAME="jump">This is the Text you want to jump to</A>

Here is the web page it is used on ....

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

IMHO, you main problem is using iframe instead of an asp include.
Includes are MUCH easier than an iframe. You could have a template
something like:

<% thispage = "Title of Page"
thisurl = "pagename.asp"
<!--#include file="htmlheader_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="header_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="navigation_inc.asp"-->
<div id="content">
Your content here.
<!--#include file="footer_inc.asp"-->

The htmlheader_inc.asp file would have the doctype, external stylesheet,
external javascript, db link, etc. The variables thispage would be used
by the title element, and thisurl can be used for navigation so people
know they are on THAT page.

The header_inc.asp would be what ever header, the navigation.asp the
navigation, and footer_inc.asp would close the db connection, and close
the body and html elements. Done!

My other suggestion is to get rid of those javascript:void() things. I
know you like opening little windows, but you have to remember that a lot
of visitors are not going to be have a device that can open little
windows (like mobile phones). I tried to open the Scheduled Course Dates
using Opera Mobile, it opened it, I had to scroll around a lot to get the
information, and when I tried going back, I got lost. Just let links
open in the same window, users know how to use the back button, and they
certainly don't want it broken.

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