Stephan said:
Well, I second that. And here's why: I always thought that nearly
everywhere in the world (outside the very notable exception of
Germany, and less notable probably a few other countries) you're not
evaluated by certificates, school (and university) reports and paper
work like that, but your actual proficiency and professionalism. As
in: "Real World" work you have done, or at least interviews which
aren't superficial but go down to a real technical level.
Lack of certification in many instances means there will not be an
interview. Some people whine about that fact. I say that if there *is* a
Ruby or Rails certificate, it must be as comprehensive as the Microsoft,
Cisco or Red Hat certifications.
I had one single interview like that - and I have to say that this was
the best one I had. Ever. (As it was back in the mediaeval times, and
thus we discussed about the blessings and the dangers of mutiple
inheritance, the C++ STL, and runtime vs. compile-time polymorphism.)
How did that work out for you and for the employer? What were the
business results?
Anyway, I think certificates certify that you're capable of getting
the certificate. While most don't say much about your problem solving
abilities, endurance, patience, abstract thinking and whatever else
may be important in the job at hand.
For some definition of "most", this could be true. In the case of
Microsoft, Cisco and Red Hat, in my opinion it is emphatically *not*
true -- the certificate is an excellent indicator of the certified
person's abilities to produce consistent business results in the area
But since we're talking about development (Ruby/Rails) rather than
system administration positions, let's narrow this down to the Microsoft
MCSD exams. I haven't browsed the Microsoft criteria and course list
recently, but I work with people who have these certificates and believe
they have value.
Finally, let's talk about a typical hiring cycle in a medium to large
development project. First of all, when the project begins, most of the
people on it will already be employed in the company and be known
quantities. It's rare that people will need to be hired from outside,
and every effort will be made to limit the number of outside hires required.
But let's assume that the project management has justified the new
hires. There will be a job posting. Let's say it's a Microsoft project,
and let's say they are using Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2005,
ASP.NET, IIS and C# -- the whole Windows stack, analogous to, say,
Linux/Apache-Mongrel/MySQL-PostgreSQL/Ruby-Rails. I would *insist* that
*every* new hire be certified in the technology that the position would
use. No certificate -- no interview. That would most likely get me at
least five qualified applicants for each position.
Now in the interview process, I want to know what *you* did that you got
*paid* for. I don't want to debate my choice of SQL Server 2005 vs. your
preference for PostgreSQL. I don't want to hear you whine about C# and
having to declare variables. I don't want to hear about all the fun
stuff you did with Linux on your Athlon Thunderbird nights and weekends.
I short, I want to know if you can carry out assignments and deliver
business results.
So by my analogy, were I starting a medium to large Rails project -- to
make things easy, let's assume I'm using Red Hat Enterprise Linux and
Oracle, for which I can hire vendor-certified folks. I'm going to plead
ignorance on the Apache front -- I don't know if there are Apache
certifications. There sure as hell ought to be -- it's a complicated
beast with lots of options.
What would I want from a Ruby/Rails
certified new hire?
Same thing as I want for an ASP.NET/C# certified person. I want to know
you can carry out assignments and deliver business results. At a
minimum, I'd want you to have down cold everything in the Pickaxe book,
everything in AWDR, and everything in "Ruby for Rails".