Lynx for Win XP


Nick Howes

Toby A Inkster said:
Flash 6 plugin for Linux:

Won't work with Lynx though.

I don't think it's the lack of compatibility that stops flash from working
on lynx! possibly to do with the lack of graphics. :)

Nick Howes

Nick Howes said:
I don't think it's the lack of compatibility that stops flash from working
on lynx! possibly to do with the lack of graphics. :)

I getcha though... to get it to open an X window with the animation, or some

Toby A Inkster

Nick said:
I getcha though... to get it to open an X window with the animation, or some

Precisely. The same way I can open images in Lynx (via ImageMagick or
Electronic Eyes or Eye of GNOME or somesuch).

Zak McGregor

Different, never difficult.

Well, being proud of a page that requires all manner of non-standard
things, like javascript, frames (now deprecated) and Flash in alt.html
seems to me to be more difficult than different.




Well, being proud of a page that requires all manner of non-standard
things, like javascript, frames (now deprecated) and Flash in alt.html
seems to me to be more difficult than different.

Only for those that don't use things like that.


Point is, wrong newsgroup for things like that... is
over there ----> ;-)

No Zac, the point is I just have a different point of view. That is,
the web is too large, and to diverse to include sites that have to be
viewable to all. I use HTML so discussions of what I do, and what I
like are completely relevant in atl.html. Sorry you feel differently.

Zak McGregor

No Zac, the point is I just have a different point of view. That is,
the web is too large, and to diverse to include sites that have to be
viewable to all. I use HTML so discussions of what I do, and what I
like are completely relevant in atl.html. Sorry you feel differently.

Nope, point is you really don't get it, and probably never will. You
simply show over & over again a lack of understanding of why the web
works and what features made it a success. You refuse to acknowledge that
flaw too. In fact, as you proved earlier, you wear it like a badge of
honour. I'll repeat: more difficult than different.

And btw, it's "Zak" not "Zac".


Nope, point is you really don't get it, and probably never will...

Guess we are in a deadlock because of your refusal to admit there is any
point of view but your own.

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