Killfile someone who doesn't appear to be a troll?
I think that should have been "distinguishability" or something.
A friend of mine had a wonderful mathematics joke:
Let epsilon be less than zero...
Killfile someone who doesn't appear to be a troll?
Keith Thompson said:[...]ralph said:[...]TO be clear, it's leading underscores that should be avoided. FOO_BAR,
for example, is perfectly ok. Trailing underscores are also ok, though
I wouldn't use them without a good reason.
Thanks for that catch. I did make it sound like underscores should be
avoided throughout an identifier, when they are in fact OK.
It should also be amplified that double underscores "_ _" are reserved
even within or trailing an identifier
FOO_BAR is OK, FOO__BAR or FOOBAR__ is not.
No, they aren't. I think C++ reserves idenifiers with double
underscores (so they can be used for name mangling, if I recall
correctly), but C doesn't.
Still, it certainly couldn't hurt to avoid double underscores in
C code.
Seebs said:I think that should have been "distinguishability" or something.
A friend of mine had a wonderful mathematics joke:
Let epsilon be less than zero...
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