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Richard G. Riley

Its highly relevant. No matter how you work it, the percentage of the
worlds population that uses google isn't appreciable.

The % of PC/Web users that use google is very appreciable. And that is
why it is important that they get their google groups interface sorted
out - google is rapidly becoming a central "hub" for people to search
for info, pictures, music, usenet posts etc. gmail is taking off at a
tremendous rate : free, big storage, great interface compareed to the
other freebies. "google" is now a verb/noun in the english

Richard G. Riley

So they elected you to speak for them?
Yea, keyword help...Not some asshole whining because his newsreader
Good thing I wasn't abusive to the people that helped me. :D

Its kind of scary how many self appointed group police are here in
..c. Far more than in .c++ funnily enough.

The amount of threads littered with "read this on google" and "what code"
and "off topic" is truly scary : especially when there are many others
willing to help in the same thread. The "usual suspects" are a small
but very tight knit group : some of them even quote the others in
their .signatures. To this date one of my favorites is one of the C
gods telling some poor confused C newbie that "and etc." was a syntax
error in C. Invariably they make the mistake that because someone is
asking a C question then they are new to systems and systems
programming and C : and then they pounce. I think they have a league
for who can say "that produces undefined behaviour" first and the most
frequently in any given day at the office.

Some only post warnings about posting style and never actually
contribute any help in the C programming environment itself.

Some fellow also told some to "**** off" the other day because they didnt
understand his help. Maybe the term "abusive" means something
different in this ng? :-;

ps guys, A threaded newsreader would help a lot of you keep "context"
.... The rest of use really dont need to filter 200 of your warnings
about using google reply every session. Mention it if, and only if, you
are replying to help the OP. The highest form of flattery is
imitation. If you help people they will pick up on your advice/style too.

Sorry if some of the above was "off topic" .... :-;

John Vielerki

And we're supposed to care what you say?
We, thats as in the people that read this group.
So they elected you to speak for them?
Its worth considering thats its YOU that asked for help,
Yea, keyword help...Not some asshole whining because his newsreader
and being
abusive to the people you asked is generalyl considered stupid.
Mark McIntyre
Good thing I wasn't abusive to the people that helped me. :D

Mark McIntyre

The % of PC/Web users that use google is very appreciable.

The original remark I made was "hardly anyone uses google". This is
true, in the context I was discussing.
And that is
why it is important that they get their google groups interface sorted

Its important in an absolute sense too - broken software is bad.
- google is rapidly becoming a central "hub" for people to search
for info, pictures, music, usenet posts etc. gmail is taking off at a
tremendous rate

Or so, at least, Google's marketing team would have you believe.

: free,

Someone is paying for it, wait, who could it be, its you and me, via
forcibly inserted advertising. Sure, use gmail, but don't forget
they're harvesting your _private_ email for marketing info, just as
they previously tried harvesting your public web browsing habits.

Mark McIntyre

Mark McIntyre

Yea, keyword help...Not some asshole whining because his newsreader

Well, thats smart of you, I should imagine you're straight into the
killfiles of most of the regulars.
Good thing I wasn't abusive to the people that helped me. :D

Its unlikely to matter - everyone can read your posts, addressed to
them or not, and can see what sort of poster you are.
Mark McIntyre


John said:
Don't you have other people to be harassing/whining to?

Oh, Mark will take care of them also. Don't worry about it.

F'ups set.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>

Jack Morgan

A) He didn't take care of shit. Just an annoyance.
B) I wasn't worried about it. On the contrary I could care less.
C) He wont take care of shit...He is just a troll who feels a need to
try and act like a wannabe USENET cop.
D) From a look at your post you are equally as bad.

Keith Thompson


For those of you who use killfiles, "Jack Morgan" and "John Vielerki"
are almost certainly the same person.


John Vielerki

Yes, by all means killfile me and shut the **** up....I will thank the
lord to never again get replies from your worthless asses.BTW, I would like to thank all the people who actually helped me with
my question. Thx.

John Vielerki

some of the most knowledgeable experts on C and C++ in the world help
others on comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++. That includes, not
infrequently, members of the language standards committees. There is
plenty of historical evidence that these are the first to leave when a
group gets polluted by too much off-topic material.

These groups are far too valuable as resources to be spoiled. For
every poster who whines that "you can't write a real world program in
standard C (or C++)", there are many more who realize that you can't
write any program at all in C or C++ without using standard C or C++,
and usually far more than you use any extensions or third party

And as for what the group "should" be about, that's spelled out by the
name: "comp.lang.c" is nothing but an abbreviation for "computer
language C". And there is one and only one internationally recognized
definition of the C programming language, the ANSI/ISO/IEC standard.

Richard Bos

Keith Thompson said:

For those of you who use killfiles, "Jack Morgan" and "John Vielerki"
are almost certainly the same person.


Not necessarily. That's a Veriscam address, near Frisco. They could just
both be lusers who happen to both live in or near the same humungous
city and use the same crummy provider.



Keith said:

For those of you who use killfiles, "Jack Morgan" and "John
Vielerki" are almost certainly the same person.

Noted and they have been joined together in an unholy plonk entry.
Something like the grandfather clock after the old man died.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>

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