Matrix - Metaphors, Analogies and the REAL



3seas said:
As to those who have said to me in the past that my communication suck, It
sure did seem to suck when I was communicating to a code writer....


Peter Hansen

3seas said:
Peter Hansen wrote:
[Tim snipped everything I wrote and responded to none of it.]
Actually the most up to date code is not teh archive but what you get by
doing a wget on excluding the .zip files.
But then that might be what you did.

No, but thanks for the pointer. I don't feel there's any point in my
investigating further at this time, however, as you've said nothing to
address my points -- which increases my confidence in the accuracy of my
The full VIC will be able to set in motion dynamic automations, from simple
to complex of any number of automation types, from simple user defined
automations to more complex code generation AND compiling And Excution of
generated code.

That would be much fun to see... what is there at this point is so
far from being able to do anything resembling code generation or
compilation that I doubt anyone but you can imagine what it is all about.
I have no doubt there have been and continue to be arguements against this
or that part of the VIC but no where will you find the integrated
configuration of all the parts in a manner that provides such versatility
as the VIC will.

If we can't find it, maybe we just don't understand what we're looking for yet.
I believe I've got a decent understand, to the extent possible, of what you
imagine you are working on, and I believe I know of a variety of viable --
and usable! -- alternatives, such as Scons and A-A-P, or even just make in
all its primitive glory, possibly combined with a little Python code.
Its not the objective to re-invent anything but rather to make the use and
reuse of many things possible, including the dynamic reuse of code
fragments to generate more complex code.

Sounds a little vague, and to the extent that I can understand the least
aspect of it, it sounds no different from what any decent build tool,
combined with a general-purpose language like Python, could do.

Anyway, my analysis stands.



Maxim said:
Ok, that 'would be' an act of spam, but don't worry, I was just kidding.

Now convince my mindspring mailbox of that....

I have received over 400 ms viral spams in 10 days from one error I made
in using linux news/mail readers -- learing setup --- to post one single
mesage to usenet w/o spam protection.

you just posted a non protected email address of mine intentionally to
usenet. And email address that you had to manually put effort inte getting,
aa that address did not exist in not exist in any post I made in this

you were not kidding. Or perhaps you want to claim ignorance?
How does that work? intentional act claimed as being ignorant of?
its not like this viral ms update spam is new or something.

Perhaps there is a phantom post that you were responding to in this thread
that you can blame you were quoting?

One thing is for sure, there are far more non-python related messages in
this thread then what appeared on the surface to be a single non-python
related thread.... interesting how quickly I was identified as a poster
from the past having a python project,in contridiction of that.


Peter said:
3seas said:
Peter Hansen wrote:
[Tim snipped everything I wrote and responded to none of it.]
Actually the most up to date code is not teh archive but what you get by
doing a wget on excluding the .zip files.
But then that might be what you did.

No, but thanks for the pointer. I don't feel there's any point in my
investigating further at this time, however, as you've said nothing to
address my points -- which increases my confidence in the accuracy of my


I'm supprised you even responed given your statement of no longer being
interested, in another branching post line off the top of the thread, prior
to this one

Somewhere there is a message about argueing on usenet being like competing
in the special olympics. Even if you win, your are still retarded (though I
recognize the error of it, handicap would be more correct.)

I don't have to dodge bullets.... everyone watching the thread can see for
themselves... who all participated in a spam attack.


3seas said:
If you are not interested, then don't bitch, its a short message.;f=8;t=000918

I don't know if that link got broken.

People who think the Matrix series of films are real in any way are amongst
the saddest people on Earth.

Its OK to like a movie, sure. Even being a super-fan is allright. I like
Star Wars series a lot, I have 4 or 5 Star Wars games, I own all the movies.
But I don't wander into AMIGA (or for that matter, ANY) newsgroups and start
theorizing on how I can use the Dark Side of the Force ... in random,
meaningless spurts of convulted text. This is because I know its just a

You should really try to get out more.

The Matrix series of movies are just movies. And not even GOOD movies. No
reality to them at all. Seek help if you think otherwise.


Coyote Seven

RaYzor said:
Its OK to like a movie, sure. Even being a super-fan is allright. I like
Star Wars series a lot, I have 4 or 5 Star Wars games, I own all the movies.
But I don't wander into AMIGA (or for that matter, ANY) newsgroups and start
theorizing on how I can use the Dark Side of the Force ... in random,
meaningless spurts of convulted text. This is because I know its just a

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Ben Finney

If you are not interested, then don't bitch, its a short message.

If you know it's off-topic and has a better newsgroup (rec.movies.*),
then don't post, it's an annoying practice.


Gerhard said:
Obviously, (s)he's not ready yet to be freed from the matrix.

-- Gerhard

There is another branch to this thread where the python code is talked
about, should you be interested in that or helping with the project.

I do have pet trolls and recommend you do not feed them.

John Burns

I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Nah, it is those with faith who are disturbing (or maybe disturbed :) ) since
they are willing to forego any evidence or logic to the contrary in defence of
and to keep their "faith".

Gonçalo Rodrigues

Nah, it is those with faith who are disturbing (or maybe disturbed :) ) since
they are willing to forego any evidence or logic to the contrary in defence of
and to keep their "faith".

As one of those with faith, and by your definition possibly disturbed,
I find it very amusing that you do not read your own words. Maybe it
takes faith to apprehend certain ironies. Or be disturbed.

And I'm out of this thread.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

John Burns

As one of those with faith, and by your definition possibly disturbed, I
find it very amusing that you do not read your own words. Maybe it takes
faith to apprehend certain ironies. Or be disturbed.

I take it you meant comprehend not apprehend and to an extent I'd agree but it
is more likely (and more usual) for faith to be used as an excuse not to accept
the facts which belie one's beliefs not as an aid to understanding. In regard to
the Matrix the only person qualified to speak of its analogies and metaphorical
content is its writer, all others who make such comment are doing so without any
real authority. There are numerous examples of song and film which have had such
"discussion" by fans only for the original author to later state that he had
intended no such meaning. They still believe though and that's the really sad

Anyway I don't really care if you wish to believe or not that wasn't what I
objected to but rather to Tim posting OT yet again. He is just a pest on every
group which he has infected with his presence.
And I'm out of this thread.



John said:
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:09:28 +0000, Gonçalo Rodrigues wrote:
And I'm out of this thread.


I'll feed you pet troll John, I got plenty more where this came from:

The metaphor of this attack on me is one of Agents/Smiths, And I have had
plenty of them. And more than just such attacks, but at one point in time
mindspring was receiving alot of complaint about me, so they investigated,
then got in contact with me to tell me what was going on. They said
"Apparently there are those who simply do not like you presence anywhere on
the internet."

In time more complaints happened, all false but this time someone hacked the
mindspring ticketing bot to make it look like it was me complaining about
me. Only the hacker didn't do a good enough job to keep Mindspring from
determing it wasn't me, but only well enough to hide who they were.
Mindspring then dropped their blue ribbon free speech support and ban me
from posting to usenet. Not because of anything I did, but because they
were spending more on investigating false complaints against me than I was
paying them per month.

And that is not all, there have been well known people outright lie about
me, behind my back, to others and I even understand the CEO of Amiga has
said in public untrue things about me.

As to the links above they are statements made by others, what would be at
best, hearsay, at worse libel. And anyone should be able to see thru the
FAQ as the psychologist, if there really was one, could lose his license to
practice in this case.

Kirk S. no longer supports the FAQ that was fabricated, only usenet doesn't
allow changing things, and that's actually ok because it established

In this case what it establishes is that I am in fact , KNOWN and was know
of at such a time line the Wachowskis would most certainly have had access
to me, my posts on usenet and my web pages.

So here it is..... the attacks some many have made on me.... How might the
Wachowskis have written that in?

It should be friggin obvious.

At this point in time, and here, there is plenty to look into in the way of
connections of myself and what I am about in regards to the movies.

Attacking me here, all it really does is .... well to be point blank
honest.... exposed the character of the attacker. for there are plenty
enough documented usenet posts where the attacker was making claims about
me that even often in their post, they show their own guilt of the very
thing they claim of me.

Certainly the whole mirror thing, the mercury, etc... all make perfect sense
to me. Just search on may name and mirror in google groups and sort by date
to see how far back that goes.

And then there is "Toonces the Cat" .....Who was that, was it the

The Amiga with the Video Toaster was the first major breakthru in both video
switcher and Animation tools (lightwave).... A lot of the video production
and movie industry used it back then..... So its really not a supprise I
was found...for I was in the Amiga newsgroups...

There is alot more but sufice it to say.....the attacks I've deal with....
the attackers still all look the same.

The VIC project... there have been those who said it can't be done, but
can't tell me why, hell its not anything in the way of functionality that
we haven't had for a long time. And then there are those who claim its
already been done, but just can't seem to show me where it is. Then there
is me, do it, proving it.

What's the problem, why all the resistance and attacks? Its simple,
autocoding obsoletes psuedo coders...

The system failure message at the end of the first movie.... that was about
what was projected to happen should ..... word get out about autocoding, to
the public. The old system would fall.

Now the system... well its clear, not just from the movies, but from reality
that effort to being applied to either control it or to control it.... The
system would rather stay the way it has been, but If I force it by
finishing the vic in a manenr that is easy to use, you can bet you ass MS
will be one to apply their marketing power to convince the world they did
it.... just like they have done so many times before...

I'm a nutter........ because I'm a user that wants to do more for myself,
and worse, cause I know it is possible.

I'm a real fucking lunitic.... because I'm tired of the attitude of an
industry of "we are going to **** you and if you don't like it we are going
to **** you."

I believe anyone who searches google groups will find such a statement from

And what was it that Trinity said to Neo when Neo decided to go save

I believe you can go to hell, because you are not going anywhere else.

Nobody has ever done this before........ Thats why its going to work......
Yeah, I was in the Government building, usenet, with its date time stamped

About what I do for a living, There are other Timothy Rues, one is a
photographer. I was actually mistaken for this well established
photographer..... Somebody saw my photographs of Europe and thought I must
be that guy..

There is also my artwork, including an electric violin I made... much of
which is availbale on via the internet........ **** modest,,,,, its good

Yeah I'm a nutter.... one attacker clamed I hadn't a creative bone in my
body.... They were looking in a mirror.....

Interesting what some chose to focus on.... the attackers....


Michael Geary

Timothy said:
The system failure message at the end of the first movie....
that was about what was projected to happen should .....
word get out about autocoding, to the public.
The old system would fall.

Wow! The Matrix movies were about you?




RaYzor wrote:
Matrix films suck. Its not real. Get a life.


This last post of mine was not supposed to go in the python newsgroup.
I thought I had checked it, but knode is new to me. Follow up should now be
to the comp.sys.amiga.misc newsgroup, Where teh last post of mine was
intending to only go to.

Kirk Strauser

Hash: SHA1

At 2003-11-15T04:11:41Z said:
Kirk S. no longer supports the FAQ that was fabricated...

- From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]:

Fabricate \Fab"ri*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fabricated}; p.

1. To form into a whole by uniting its parts; to frame; to
construct; to build; as, to fabricate a bridge or ship.

If that was your intented denotation, then, yes, I "fabricated" a FAQ a few
years ago. It was roughly about the time you were trying to convince the
world that you were, literally, the second coming of The Messiah.

Please leave me out of your discussions, fantasies, and delusions.

- --
Kirk Strauser
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)



Kirk said:
Hash: SHA1


response is posted to comp.sys.amiga.misc.
Why kirk posted to python only, didn't take it to csam,
should be obvious.

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