Austin Ziegler
Austin, you've stepped from criticism to personal vendetta.
Not in the least. You demonstrated *then* that you were wholly
uninterested in being responsible.
You make abusive comments without any reference to what is actually
shown on the shootout website. In a similar tirade, six months ago, you
complained about a benchmark that, even then, hadn't been shown in the
shootout for at least 6 months.
Not shown?
You *do* prominently link these from the shootout home page.
Where exactly is that Perl program shown in the current benchmarks?
Here's the link http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/
You may have changed the set of benchmarks. I'll do some research now
and see if you've actually cleaned up your methodology. I doubt it,
but if you have, I'll publicly post an apology. If you haven't, you'll
clean up your methodology. Otherwise, I'll update my criticisms, but
you won't get anything positive from me about the shootout.
It will be about two weeks before I can look at this, but I will do so.
Do we have an agreement there?