Method Chaining Issues


Hal Fulton

Kyle said:
I'm new to Ruby so I when you refer to a "bang" method you mean something
like "chomp!"? And if so, why do some thing they shouldn't exist? Just

It's not a Ruby thing... "bang" is just common programmer slang
for the exclamation point.


Hal Fulton

Kyle said:
I'm new to Ruby so I when you refer to a "bang" method you mean something
like "chomp!"? And if so, why do some thing they shouldn't exist? Just

Oops, failed to address the other half of that.

The ! usually (not always) indicates that a method changes its
receiver "in place" rather than creating a new object as a result.

I gather that functional programming people dislike this -- but I
have never used a real FP language (such as Haskell?).


Gyoung-Yoon Noh

Eric, thank you for kind explanation. It helps me.
I have been reading ruby source code with very lazy mode.
I need a kind of booster reading engine. ;-)

On 01 Jun 2005, at 18:36, Gyoung-Yoon Noh wrote:
The difference is not in the speed of the operations themselves, it
is in the memory pressure on the GC. Your benchmark is not a fair
comparison between the two because it ignores the side-effect of
memory pressure and does not fit with the way you would use chaining
vs !.
This benchmark more realisticly shows the effects of memory pressure
and is more fitting with how you would really use chaining vs !:
$ cat sub.rb
require 'benchmark'
N =3D 10_000
STR =3D (0..N).to_a.join('-')
Benchmark.bmbm do |bm|"Base") do
str =3D STR.dup
N.times { }
=20"Destructive") do
str =3D STR.dup
N.times { str.sub!(/\d+/, '-') }
=20"Non-destructive") do
str =3D STR.dup
N.times { str =3D str.sub(/\d+/, '-') }
$ ruby sub.rb
Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------
Base 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.003034)
Destructive 1.470000 1.380000 2.850000 ( 3.266492)
Non-destructive 1.930000 2.740000 4.670000 ( 5.584387)
------------------------------------------ total: 7.520000sec
user system total real
Base 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.002857)
Destructive 1.460000 1.400000 2.860000 ( 3.383933)
Non-destructive 1.910000 2.800000 4.710000 ( 5.688635)
Your benchmark wasn't helpful in revealing the true difference
between the two methods. As you can see, the non-destructive case
takes much more time in user space because the GC has to clean up all
the temporary strings.
It also takes ~33% more time in general because of the GC.
It wraps a C string.
Certain operations are COW.
Eric Hodel - (e-mail address removed) -
FEC2 57F1 D465 EB15 5D6E 7C11 332A 551C 796C 9F04


Martin DeMello

Nikolai Weibull said:
No it?s not. This is an argument for keeping Ruby non-functional. This
has nothing to do with String#sub vs. String#sub! or Array#sort vs.
Array#sort! for that matter. When discussing destructive methods with
bangs, we?re discussing the merit of having String#sub! around for
efficiency reasons. It?s not a discussion of whether to allow objects
to modify their internal state or not. I know you know this and I know
what you?re trying to say, but this doesn?t lead anywhere,

Note that string.meth! is not an optimisation of string.meth, it's an
optimisation of string.replace(string.sort). There's a difference when
there are multiple references to the string.


Logan Capaldo

Oops, failed to address the other half of that.
The ! usually (not always) indicates that a method changes its
receiver "in place" rather than creating a new object as a result.

Just curious, can you give me an example of a bang method that doesn't
modify the
receiver in place?

Hal Fulton

Logan said:
Just curious, can you give me an example of a bang method that doesn't
modify the
receiver in place?

The only one in the core is exit! as far as I know.

Some things like Kernel#chomp! have an implicit receiver,
so they don't really make my point.

There may be others in the std lib or other common libs,
I don't know.

The point is that the ! is to mark a method as "dangerous"
or "requiring caution."

I certainly use it in my own code in situations where it doesn't
change the receiver. In fact, I encourage others to do the
same, as it helps dispel the minor misconception. Just my


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