Microsoft IronPython?


Max M

EP said:
I think it is naive to ignore the fact that Microsoft could hurt Python,
though there may be nothing anyone can do.

- create a more prevalent version of "Python" that is less Pythonic or
undermines some of the principles of the language, basically usurping

First of they would need to make Python a strategic platform for
corporations, so that it was used practically everywhere on Windows.

Then it would have the powerbase to change the lanuage and make an
incompatible version that they could control.

As far as I can see C## has that role for them. So I don't see how
Python should be in any danger.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science


Max said:
First of they would need to make Python a strategic platform for
corporations, so that it was used practically everywhere on Windows.

Actually, if Python gets used everywhere on Windows, I'll be happy,
pure Python or no pure Python :) Visual Python 2010 anyone?

Kay Schluehr

Max said:
First of they would need to make Python a strategic platform for
corporations, so that it was used practically everywhere on Windows.

Then it would have the powerbase to change the lanuage and make an
incompatible version that they could control.

As far as I can see C## has that role for them. So I don't see how
Python should be in any danger.

If Python would create a Py3EE spec and make it an industry standard,
provide a reference implementation and attract bluechips like
Accenture, Bearing Point, Cap Gemini and IBM, Microsoft would be on the
stage in order to "improve" it. Currently Python is still a cute little
language, with plenty of bindings but few interesting products, that
keeps attention among nerds and some consultants, but nothing more.
Java, C++, C# and VB are playing in an own league.


I think that this posted message in Jim Hugunin's weblog clearly shows
what are Microsoft intentions regarding Python and other dynamic

We're hiring full-time and summer interns!

We're looking for a few exceptionally talented individuals with
dynamic language experience (Python, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, etc.) to
come join our efforts to make the Common Language Runtime (CLR) the
world's best platform for dynamic languages and dynamic scenarios.
The CLR already has a lot of dynamic support with reflection, runtime
code generation, and cross-language interaction. IronPython has shown
that the CLR can be a great platform for building dynamic languages. We
want you to help us take this support to the next level.

We have one developer (not yet posted), one program manager, one tester
and at least one summer intern positions available. If you're
interested, please send me email ([email protected]) that clearly
explains why you'd be the best choice for one of these jobs and
attach a current resume.
posted on Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:11 PM by hugunin


After downloading and trying out Ironpython, I have the following
1) I like the idea of Python under .net
2) I like the support for both Microsoft math lib,and Python's math lib
Will Microsoft maintain the compatability between standard python with
the addition of their libs?

Steve Holden

Nainto said:
I came across this link today. It seems
Microsoft is getting involved with Python. What do you think of it? Is
it any good? Anything to worry about?

Of course if you'd been at PyCon last year you'd have heard Jim
Hugunin's opening keynote "Python at Microsoft", and you'd have seen his
demonstration and know just how far Jim had already got IronPython.

Even then it was running selected benchmarks faster than CPython, though
it certainly wasn't faster across the board. A nice feature is it easily
interfaces with the whole slew of .NET components. I'm personally
wondering (without any data) whether ActiveState's recrelated to a
forthcoming Microsoft integration of Python into Visual Studio.

The major thing to take away from this is that we should *all* go to
PyCon if we can! This is a timely reminder, as the extended early bird
deadline expires on January 15. Don't forget to book your hotel
accommodation at the venue before February 1: at that point the special
conference rate ceases to be available.

Tutorials are also available at bargain prices the day before the
conference, so hurry along to

and make your reservation immediately!

hurry-hurry-hurry-ly y'rs - steve

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