=?Utf-8?B?VmFuZXNzYQ==?= wrote on 15 jul 2007 in
At first sight I can see nothing seriously wrong with it,
ecxept some superfluous logic
getcustomXML = "" ' initializing
Why "post"? I would use a "get".
elseif status = 401 then ' unless you expect numeric fractions: 401.7777
sorry for the confusing by using 'call'. Here is my code for
A.asp->C.aspx->A.asp now.
At Customer.asp file:
'process list of data
At first sight I can see nothing seriously wrong with it,
ecxept some superfluous logic
PostURL = homelink & "CustID.aspx?SearchFlag=PO"
getcustomXML = "" ' initializing
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
on error resume next
xmlhttp.open "POST", PostURL, false
Why "post"? I would use a "get".
xmlhttp.send ""
status = xmlhttp.status
if err.number <> 0 or status <> 200 then
if status = 404 then
Response.Write "ERROR: Page does not exist (404).<BR><BR>"
elseif status >= 401 and status < 402 then
elseif status = 401 then ' unless you expect numeric fractions: 401.7777