I have read all other Statements in this thread, but as it is such a
vast collection of opinions, its hard to keep track. So: if I mention
something for the second time, please ignore it

I think the problem with MonkeyPatching is clear: it is a hack and
hacks tend to die soon. I am strongly opposed to use it in an official
release without thinking twice. Usually, there is a better way to
solve the problem. When browsing Rails plugins (i don't want to bash
rails, but thats an incredibly big source third-party-libraries), I
often see gruesome hacks to solve problems that could easily be solved
otherwise - because the author obviously didn't know about the right
way. Some time ago, many plugins had some implementation of
String#constantize (better, worse, the same as the Rails version).
This shows one thing:
Plugin authors are not aware of everything the language has to offer.
So they do what they do best. Which is not always good. The other side
of the problem is that the target of your patch is not written to be
extended (have a look at the "render"-Method in rails) - so you only
quick resort is a hack.
Monkeypatching is cool - if you think well an at least twice about it.
The problems with meta-programming is another one:
We love it. We advertise it as core features of the language (which -
in my book - it is not).
Take the above example: Array#to_csv
Why not CSV.from(arg)? It is cumbersome to read and we need to think
about a way to split the implementation details of from(Array) and
from(otherType) in halves. But from an OO-perspective, it makes
perfect sense: an Array doesn't have to care about the types that it
can be converted into an it is well encapsulated.
But, because we are lazy, lazy ruby programmers, we love our
object.send syntax. So we implement a shorthand method. Another
example is Object.in?(), often seen as a shorthand for
some_collection.contains?(obj) (Im not sure, but this is called
'grief', afaik). The first is nicer, the second is cleaner. Many vote
for the first - another Method in Object. Another well known Library
defines Object#should because they think of it to be nicer. By doing
this, we are slowly overloading the core-system. I like approach of
facets: they are a collection of such idioms, but they must be
switched on explicitly.
The question you have to answer for yourself when creating such a
method is: "Is it really that important?". Often I have the impression
that this question is often answered with "Yeah, its cool and its the
ruby way!"
On the other hand, those features are the ones that make the little
difference. Used correctly, open classes are a way to beautiful and
well constructed code.
It all comes boils to a matter of knowledge, experience and
discipline. We have got to be aware that many ruby developers don't
have all of those.
Florian Gilcher <Skade>