more problems with target blank


Doug Miller

The problem appears to have righted itself now

Which, oddly enough, is not the same URL you posted earlier.
I had another problem re displaying but that has sorted too.

Amazing these machines don't obey the laws of physics.

The really amazing thing is that you keep asking for help, while refusing to accept the help you've
been given. I'm done.
Thanks for the advice but I think the proof of the pudding is in the
eating; the main thing is does the ordinary visitor see what I want
him to see? The answer appears to be yes. This is again substance over
style. Just for the record, what version of HTML am I using?

It doesn't matter. Due to the lack of a DOCTYPE declaration, your pages are rendered in quirks
mode, which makes the version question quite moot.

Doug Miller

Jukka K. Korpela said:
Please don’t feed the troll. It’s not fun any more. It was somewhat
amusing to see someone repeatedly advertise a 1996-style web site asking
purported “questions†and consistently rejecting all advice and
attacking it. But after the umpteenth round, it got boring.

That was my last attempt. Henceforth, he's killfiled.

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